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ArchitektINNENwelten (Women in Architecture)

ArchitektINNENwelten is a series of interviews organised by students of the Faculty of Architecture. Women from the fields of architecture and planning are invited to share their experiences with us and give us the opportunity to get to know our future spaces.

The talks will take place online & in Haus Löwenstein. We would like to thank the female architects for their inspiring insights and look forward to the upcoming events. Our thanks go to the Equal Opportunities Office of FH Aachen, which is supporting the lecture series as part of the "Ladies in MINT" programme, and to Aachen_Fenster.


Fissabre, Anke, Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Teaching Subject: Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur
Photo Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Fissabre
Fachbereich 1 - Architektur
Institute - Institute of Smart Building Engineering (ISBE)
Senat und Kommissionen - Kommission für Forschung und Entwicklung


Organisatorin und Ansprechperson ist Kristine Weingart.

Hannah Am Ende
18.12.2024 | 18:30 in Haus Löwenstein und Online auf WebEX

Hannah Am Ende hat Architektur an der MSA | Münster School of Architecture und der TH Köln mit der Vertiefung Denkmalpflege / Planen im Bestand studiert. Aus der Lust am Schreiben und der Begeisterung für Architekturgeschichte entstand die Idee zur Promotion über das Zusammenspiel von Feminismus und Genderaspekten mit der Architektur. Tiefergehend setzt sie sich mit der Historie von weiblich gelesenen Architekt:innen im Rheinland, die in der bisherigen Aufarbeitung der weiblichen Architekturgeschichte wenig beachtet wurde. An den Beispielen der Architektinnen Verena Dietrich und Renate Knacke von Brause legt das Projekt den Fokus auf die Metropolregion um Köln und Aachen und erforscht den Einfluss bisher kaum in der Öffentlichkeit diskutierter Werke.

Maria Nacar 
09.12.2024 | 18:30 in Haus Löwenstein und Online auf WebEx

Die Studentin Maria Nacar hat sich entschieden, einen anderen Studienverlauf einzuschlagen, als dieser vorgesehen ist. Dieser Schritt ermöglichte es ihr, ihren individuellen Interessen und denen der Studierenden zu folgen und ihre akademische Laufbahn selbstbestimmt zu gestalten. Durch ihre Arbeit in Gremien konnte sie neue Netzwerke aufbauen, ihre Perspektiven in Diskussionen einbringen und neue Standards in der akademischen Gemeinschaft setzen. Maria erzählt uns, wie ihre kulturelle Herkunft und ihre Reisen ihr Interesse an nachhaltiger und sozial gerechter Architektur geweckt haben. Sie hat vor, sich zukünftig intensiv mit Themen wie der Nutzung lokaler Baustoffe, der Entwicklung einfacher und kostengünstiger Konstruktionen sowie der Integration benachteiligter Gemeinschaften zu beschäftigen.

Jana Hartmann & Zora Syren
! Neuer Termin 11.11.2024 (vorher 29.10.2024 ) | 18:30 Uhr in Haus Löwenstein und Online auf WebEX

Zora Syren und Jana Hartmann sind Architektinnen und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen an der TU München. Sie haben zusammen mit Anna Jacob und Doris Hallama das Forschungsprojekt "FRAUEN BAUEN München" initiiert. Wenig bekannt, noch weniger publiziert, zeigt das Projekt eine Sammlung herausragender Architektur in München und stellt die Karrierewege ihrer Architektinnen vor. 

Das Projekt holt Architektinnen vor den Vorhang, die vor dem Internetzeitalter praktiziert haben und beleuchtet darüber hinaus ganz aktuelle Fragen zu Wirkungsweise und Handlungsmöglichkeiten von Architektinnen in der Architektur und Stadtgestaltung. Vom 17.10. - 21.11.24 ist in der Architekturgalerie in München die begleitende Ausstellung zu sehen. 


Ute Dechantsreiter
04.06.2024 | 18:30 in Haus Löwenstein

Ute Dechantsreiter ist seit 1996 freischaffende Architektin mit einem Büro für nachhaltiges Bauen mit den Schwerpunkten energiesparende und ökologische Sanierung, Wiederverwendung von Baumaterial und nachhaltiges, kreislauffähiges Bauen. Die Initiatorin der ersten Bauteilbörse Deutschlands ist außerdem Netzwerkerin, Geschäftsführerin des Bundesverbands bauteilnetz Deutschland e.V. und Projektleiterin des Bündnis Kreislaufwirtschaft Bauwesen - Metropolregion Nordwest. Sie berät, forscht, hält Vorträge und Workcamps zur Wiederverwendung von Bauteilen und der hochwertigen Verwertung von Baustoffen.  

Karin Hartmann
17.4.2024 | 18:30 in Haus Löwenstein und Online auf WebEx

Die Architektin und Autorin Karin Hartmann schreibt, spricht und forscht zu Baukultur und Architektur aus intersektional-feministischer Perspektive: für sie ein Schlüsselthema zur Bewältigung der Klimakrise. Als selbständige Architektin war sie auf Akteursebene und als Referentin für Baukultur im Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung tätig. Sie ist Mitglied im BDA und erste Vorsitzende der architektinnen initiative nw. Im September 2022 erschien bei JOVIS ihr Buch „Schwarzer Rolli, Hornbrille. Plädoyer für einen Wandel in der Planungskultur“.

Marcella Hansch
09.01.2024 | 6 pm in Haus Löwenstein

Marcella Hansch studied architecture in Aachen and Florence. During her studies, she designed a floating platform as part of her master's thesis to rid the oceans of microplastics and thus developed the concept of "Pacific Garbage Screening". Alongside her work as an architect at Carpus+Partner and Cross Architecture, she further developed this concept and turned the idea into something big. The idea was initially turned into a non-profit organisation, which eventually became a limited company. Under the name "everwave", the project is still in operation around the world today, clearing the waters of rubbish.

After 10 years, Marcella Hansch left the operational side of the business and now works as a coach and mentor in the field of empowerment and mindset.

Anna Heringer
13.12.2023 | 6 pm online on WebEx & in the pop-up workshop (Kapellenstraße 27)

Anna Heringer became internationally recognised with the construction of the METI School in Bangladesh, which she designed as her diploma thesis at the University of Art and Design Linz. Since then, she has further developed her award-winning architectural approach, which is based on local building materials and labour, through buildings mainly in Asia and Africa, and through teaching architecture at Harvard University, ETH Zurich and TU Munich, among others. Her central concern is to gradually establish and emphasise social and economic connections in the planning and construction process. Her work has been exhibited worldwide in museums such as the MoMA New York, the Cité de l'architecture in Paris and the Venice Biennale. Her work has earned her the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture, the New European Bauhaus Prize 2021 and the OBEL Award 2020, among others. UNESCO awarded her an honorary professorship for "Earthen Architecture, Building Cultures and Sustainable Development". In 2022, she was honoured with the Federal Cross of Merit by Federal President Steinmeier.



Christiane Fath
15.11.2023 | 6 pm online on WebEx & in Haus Löwenstein

Christiane Fath is a curator, publicist and editor of architectural publications. She studied architecture in Milan, Berlin, Aleppo and Weimar as well as cultural management in Berlin. She built up the corporate publishing editorial team of the trade journal Bauwelt, which she headed until 2019. She is the founder of Galerie framework in Berlin/Vienna and co-founder of the non-profit organisation Diversity in Architecture. As a member of the board of trustees of the Schelling Architecture Foundation, she was internationally active until 2018. As an associate member of the Association of German Women Architects (BDA), she is committed to the visibility of BDA architects as part of the Women in Architecture Festival 2021 in Berlin. She currently teaches as a professor at the RPTU Kaiserslautern, Faculty of Architecture/Gender Studies as part of the Klara-Marie-Fassbinder guest professorship. She lives in Berlin.

Barbara Schock-Werner
15 June 2023 | 6 pm online on WebEx & in Haus Löwenstein

Born in 1947, architect, art historian and monument conservator Barbara Schock-Werner studied architecture at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences after completing an apprenticeship as a draughtswoman and practical training in a carpentry business. She worked at Frei Otto's Institute for Lightweight Structures and at the Fleck architectural office in the field of monument conservation. At the same time, she studied art history in Stuttgart, Bonn and Vienna. After completing her doctorate, Barbara Schock-Werner taught in Stuttgart and Nuremberg before habilitating in Würzburg. From 1999 to 2012, she was the first female cathedral architect in Cologne.

Lioba Birth
16.5.2023 | 6 pm online on WebEx & in Haus Löwenstein

Lioba Birth studied architecture at FH Aachen. During her Master's degree at FH Aachen, she volunteered to support the construction of the "mudLibrary" in Ghana in the summer of 2022. As part of the first of four groups, she was on the construction site and was able to gain practical experience with earth building, especially with rammed earth. The project was implemented by the non-profit organisation "ArchiFair". Together with the community of the village of Nsutem, the companies "BookDropGhana" and "Hive Earth" and many volunteers, the building made of wood and clay was completed in just a few months.


27.4.2023 | 18:00 online on WebEx & in Haus Löwenstein

Architect and author Karin Hartmann writes, speaks and researches on building culture and architecture from an intersectional-feminist perspective: for her, this is a key issue in tackling the climate crisis. As an independent architect, she has worked at the stakeholder level and as a Consultant for Baukultur at the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development. She is a member of the BDA and the first chairwoman of architektinnen initiative nw. In September 2022, JOVIS published her book "Schwarzer Rolli, Hornbrille. Plea for a change in planning culture".

Stephanie Dietel
11 Jan 2023 | 6 pm

Stephanie Dietel is an architect, specialist planner and expert for barrier-free construction. Over the past ten years, she has built up and managed the area of accessibility in an engineering office in Aachen. Since September 2022, she has dedicated herself to her specialisation as a freelancer with the office dbb -
dietel barrierefrei bauen.


Katja Domschky
15.12.2022 | 6 pm

As an architect, Katja Domschky supports architecture and engineering firms in positioning and presentation with her agency ACUBE. She specialises in consulting, marketing, strategy development and communication. She is also the author of a specialist book. She is an honorary member of the Architektinneninitiative nw and the NRW Chamber of Architects.



Inken Baller
7 Dec 2022 | 6 pm

Inken Baller studied architecture at the TU Berlin. She founded the Inken Baller office in 1989 after years of partnership and office sharing with Hinrich Baller. Between 1989 and 2007, she was Professor of Design and Building Construction at the University of Kassel and subsequently Professor of Design and Building in Existing Contexts at BTU Cottbus. Her realised buildings include the Fraenkelufer residential development in Berlin-Kreuzberg, the "WeiberWirtschaft eG" commercial complex in Berlin and the Hübner factory building in Kassel.


Kim Le Roux and Margit Sichrovsky
22.6.2022 | 6 pm

Kim Le Roux and Margit Sichrovsky are architects and founded the architecture firm LXSY ARCHITEKTEN together in Berlin in 2015. With their work, they want to actively bring people together and pursue innovative approaches to working and living in order to jointly develop a sustainable coexistence.



Friederike Meyer
11.5.2022 | 6 pm

Friederike Meyer studied architecture in Aachen and Seattle and graduated from the Protestant School of Journalism in Berlin. She was editor of Bauwelt for 16 years and has been editor-in-chief of the BauNetz.de newsroom since 2017. As an author, moderator and lecturer for architectural communication, she works on the interface between architecture, urban planning and


Dr Dorothee Heinzelmann
12.1.2022 | 6 pm

Dr Dorothee Heinzelmann is an art historian and Consultant in the preservation of architectural and artistic monuments at the LVR - Office for the Preservation of Monuments in the Rhineland. She has a lectureship at the University of Cologne and researches historical building research, building technology and architectural history with a focus on the Middle Ages.

Download the podcast of the episode here.


Dr Isabel Haupt
12.01.2022 | 6 pm

Dr Isabel Haupt studied architecture and works as deputy monument conservator for the Canton of Aargau. She has written numerous publications on issues of monument preservation, architecture and art history, has lectured at various universities (including ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich) and is Lecturer for "Preservation of 20th century buildings" at the Bern University of Applied Sciences.

Podcast: see "Dr Dorothee Heinzelmann"

Anna Schweiger
15.12.2021 | 6 pm

Anna Schweiger is an architect and chairwoman of the association ArchiFair - Sustainable Planning and Building. Together with Jaap Willemsen, she is responsible for the financing, planning and construction of various international projects. In addition to her work as a freelance architect, she teaches at the Vienna University of Technology.



Prof. Dr Tanja C . Vollmer
10.11.2021 | 6 pm

Prof Dr Tanja C. Vollmer is the founder and scientific director of Kopvol architecture & psychology in Berlin and Rotterdam. She teaches and researches with a focus on needs-orientated architecture, perception and health. The lecture is entitled: "Modern architectural psychology: 2 women 1 (life) design".


Kerstin Müller
23.6.2021 | 6 p.m.

Kerstin Müller is an architect and member of the management team at construction firm In Situ and Executive Director of the newly founded Zirkular GmbH. She is co-president of the non-profit organisation Cirkla, which promotes the reuse of building components.

Download the podcast of the episode here.

Luisa Ropelato
16.6.2021 | 6 pm

Luisa Ropelato is an architect and chairwoman of the Architects for Future e.V. association. Ropelato is committed to achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. In particular, she draws attention to climate-positive resources and building in existing buildings.

Download the podcast of the episode here.


Prof. Dr Kerstin Dörhöfer
9.6.2021 | 6 pm

Prof. Dr Kerstin Dörhöfer is an architect, professor of urban and regional development and the economics and sociology of urban development. Dörhöfer has written numerous publications on the history and theory of architecture, urban planning and housing supply as well as on gender relations and spatial structures.