Seitliche Aufnahme eines Wandkalenders
Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Examination schedules and forms of examination

The Faculty of Business Studies has three examination periods throughout the year.

There is an examination period at the beginning and end of the winter semester and at the end of the summer semester. You can only take an examination if you have registered and been admitted. The obligation to register for an examination is independent of the form of examination.

The examination forms for the current semester are usually published here four weeks after the start of the semester. Below you will find various files:

Important notes on electronic examinations

Please read the instructions for the electronic examinations (German version) (English version) of the examination period at the end of the summer semester 2024 and beginning winter semester 2024/25 carefully.

Your contacts

Reinders, Melanie, Dipl.-Vw.

Leiterin Prüfungssekretariat und Fachstudienberatung
Photo Dipl.-Vw. Melanie Reinders
Wissenschaftliche Angestellte
Fachbereich 7 - Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Eupener Straße 70
Room E212
52066 Aachen

Consultation Hours

Mo, Di, Do von 9:00 - 12:30 Uhr ; Mi, Fr n.V.
Photo  Ute Eschweiler
Angestellte im Prüfungsamt
Fachbereich 5 - Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Eupener Str. 70
Room E 030
52066 Aachen

Consultation Hours

Mo - Do 14:00 h - 14:30 h

Manaa, Heike

Photo  Heike Manaa
Angestellte im Prüfungsamt
Fachbereich 7 - Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Eupener Straße 70
Room E211
52066 Aachen

Wolf, Astrid

Photo  Astrid Wolf
Angestellte in der Fachbereichsverwaltung
Fachbereich 7 - Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Eupener Straße 70
Room E211
52066 Aachen