Grafische Darstellung eines Frage- und Ausrufezeichens
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FAQs on a semester abroad

FAQ: Requirements and funding

We have summarised below the most frequently asked questions that come up before, during and after studying abroad.

Application deadlines

Within Europe
for the winter semester: 28 February
for the summer semester: 30 September

Outside Europe
for the winter semester: 30 November
for the summer semester: 30 June

How do I find out whether my semester abroad has been approved and at which partner university I will receive a place at university?

The committee for the semester abroad decides on the allocation of places at university. We usually have enough places for the number of applicants, but not necessarily for the university or country of your choice. Nevertheless, we try to take your preferences into account as best as possible. You will receive notification by email approximately two weeks after the deadline.

Where can I do a semester abroad?

With over 110 partner universities worldwide, the Faculty of Business Studies has a large international network. Find out more about our partner universities.
You can also get a good overview by reading the testimonials of FH students who have already completed a semester abroad.

What is the difference between Study Abroad and Exchange?

If you complete the semester abroad as part of the Study Abroad Agreement, this means that tuition fees are payable, such as in Australia. If your exchange takes place as an Exchange Student, you will receive a free place at a partner university and do not have to pay tuition fees. You can find out where you have to pay tuition fees in the overview "Our Partner Universities".

What language certificate do I need for a semester abroad?

For the application to FH Aachen, you first need proof of proficiency in the language of instruction at level B2. However, achievements from school, vocational school or other language schools are also recognised here. Whether a language certificate such as English is required for the semester abroad depends on the respective university at which you would like to take a semester abroad. Depending on the university, proof of C1 level may also be required. You can provide this proof until the application deadline at the partner university, e.g. by taking a test at the Language Centre of FH Aachen (offered once a month for a fee). There you will receive the DAAD language certificate, which is usually recognised at the partner universities.

Documents to be submitted

The following documents must be submitted to the International Faculty Office by the deadline:

  • Cover letter (letter of motivation, desired period of study abroad, preference list of desired partner universities)
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form according to europass requirements
  • Transcript of Records (incl. failed attempts)
  • Proofs and certificates of language skills in the language of instruction at the partner university

Please send the above application documents by email as a coherent pdf file to the International Faculty Office.

Please note for your application that our semester times can differ greatly from those of the partner universities!

How are places at university allocated?

The committee for the study semester abroad decides on the allocation of places at the partner universities. In order for the selection process to run smoothly, it is important that you submit a complete application and your preference list of desired partner universities. We usually have enough places for the number of applicants, but not necessarily for the desired university or country.

The allocation is made according to the following criteria:

  • Number of credits achieved so far in relation to the number of semesters.
  • Average grade
  • Student commitment
  • Letter of motivation

What requirements do I have to fulfil?

Successful examination achievements

Bachelor students can apply for a study period abroad if they have at least 50 ECTS credits with an average grade of at least 3.5 at the time of application and no third examination attempt is pending. In addition, all examinations of the 1st semester must have been successfully passed. Master's students can apply immediately after the start of their studies.

Sufficient language skills:

In order to be able to study abroad successfully, you must have knowledge of the language of instruction of the foreign university (usually level B2). For example, you can have taken a business language course of the respective language at FH Aachen with a grade of at least 3.3, have achieved at least 8 points in the Abitur (university entrance qualification) after 6 years (English), 4 years (French) or 3 years (other foreign languages) of a language course or have successfully passed a language test (e.g. Toefl test, D.E.L.F.).

When is the ideal time for a semester abroad? (For Bachelor students)

When is the ideal time?

The ideal time for a semester abroad in the Bachelor's programme is the 5th subject-specific semester, as you have many options for modules here.
In principle, however, a semester abroad is also possible in the 4th subject-specific semester.
Please note the relevant requirements and application deadlines.
If you do not meet all the requirements by the deadline (only for applications for outside Europe), you can still apply. The study abroad semester committee will then admit you "conditionally" if necessary.

Please note that the selection of partner universities is significantly smaller in the summer semester than in the winter semester.

How and when do I have to apply for a semester abroad?

Required documents (hand in at the IFO by the deadline):
- Letter of application (including period, partner university and alternative)
- Europass CV
- Transcript of Records
- Proof of language skills

Application deadlines:
Winter semester: 28 February
Summer semester: 30 September
Outside Europe
Winter semester: 30 November
Summer semester: 30 June

When is the ideal time for a semester abroad?

International Business Management:
The ideal time for a semester abroad in the Master's degree programme International Business Management is the 3rd subject-specific semester, as this is a compulsory part of your degree programme according to the study plan. In principle, the semester abroad is also possible at a later point in time, but this will extend the duration of your studies.

Please note that the selection of partner universities is significantly smaller in the summer semester than in the winter semester.

Industrial Engineering:
The ideal time for a semester abroad in the Master's degree programme Industrial Engineering is before you complete your Master's thesis, through an additional subject-specific semester. You can also take a semester abroad as part of your studies, but since this is not part of the study progress, it is possible that not all courses will be recognised for you.

Please note that the selection of partner universities is also significantly smaller in the summer semester than in the winter semester.

How and when do I have to apply for a semester abroad?

International Business Management:
The application for the semester abroad, which is compulsory in the third semester, is made in the first semester. During the first semester, the respective partner universities at which a stay is possible at the time of the semester abroad are presented at an information event. Subsequently, students submit a written application to the chairperson of the study abroad committee and list three priorities for the stay abroad. You will be informed of the application deadlines at the beginning of the Master's programme. As a rule, November for the following winter semester and June for the following summer semester. A Europass CV and a copy of the Bachelor's degree must be enclosed with the application.

Application deadlines
Winter semester: 30 November (previous year)
Summer semester: 30 June (previous year)

Required documents (to be submitted to the IFO by the deadline):
- Letter of application (with three preferences)
- Europass CV
- Bachelor's degree certificate with transcript of records.

Industrial Engineering:

The application deadlines for the Master's degree programme Industrial Engineering follow the general application deadlines:

Winter semester: 28 February
Summer semester: 30 September
Outside Europe
Winter semester: 30 November
Summer semester: 30 June

Required documents (hand in at the IFO by the deadline):
- Letter of application (with three preferences)
- Europass CV
- Bachelor's degree certificate with transcript of records
- Proof of language skills

During the semester abroad

Double degree

Can I do a double degree in the Bachelor's programme?

In the International Business Studies degree programme, you go to one of our partner universities for one year and complete your studies here with a double degree. Please note, however, that the selection of partner universities is reduced here. You can find a list of accessible partner universities on the degree programme page of the International Business Studies degree programme.

Unfortunately, the possibility of a double degree does not exist in all other Bachelor's degree programmes.

Can I do a double degree in the Master's programme?

Yes. Students of the Master's degree programme International Business Management can take a double master's degree at selected partner universities. This means that you spend two semesters abroad and write your final thesis at the partner university. You will then receive both the degree from the partner university and the degree from FH Aachen. You can find out where you can take a double degree in the overview "Where can I study abroad?


What does the semester abroad cost?

The costs for the semester abroad depend on the respective country and the university you choose. In Europe, you will usually get a free place through Erasmus+, except in the UK, as tuition fees apply here. Outside Europe, fees for the semester abroad are more common.


Is it possible to get a refund for the semester ticket during the semester abroad?

Yes, you can apply to the Asta for a refund of the costs for the semester ticket. You do not need the certificate of exemption from the semester ticket fee required by the Asta, as the IFO regularly sends the Asta the names of students going abroad.

What costs should I consider?

During a study abroad programme, there are of course living costs. These are higher in many countries than in Germany. Thus, studying abroad often costs more than studying in Germany. Also pay attention to the costs for travelling to the respective country (airline tickets, visa, etc.). These can be particularly high for a stay abroad in non-European countries.

You can finance your study period abroad from your own funds or apply for financial support under certain conditions.

Calculate the costs you will incur realistically and for the full period of your planned stay abroad, as you will often not have time or the opportunity to earn money through part-time work during your studies abroad.

What funding opportunities are there?

ERASMUS + Funding

Erasmus is a European Union initiative that promotes student exchanges within the European education area. The exchange governs bilateral agreements between higher education institutions and supports stays of three to twelve months, both for study purposes and for practical trainings. All students who apply for a partner university in the Erasmus programme and receive a place are automatically funded by the Erasmus programme. This means that students will receive a partial scholarship in any case. The amount depends on the university attended and is determined each semester.

PROMOS scholarships

Students who are applying to study abroad outside Europe and are looking for a funding opportunity should find out more about the PROMOS programme. Funding is also available for study-related internships abroad.


To finance a study stay or practical training abroad, you can apply for Auslands-BaföG, which covers tuition fees up to 4600€. Higher needs rates apply for a stay abroad, so it may be worthwhile to apply even if you do not receive BaföG in Germany (e.g. because of your parents' income). Bafög recipients receive foreign Bafög in any case. Foreign Bafög does not have to be paid back. Further information can be found at


The DAAD provides comprehensive information on funding opportunities on its website. In the DAAD scholarship database you can search specifically for scholarships for your profile (subject area, destination country, status).

Education Loan

An educational loan offers the opportunity to finance study stays and practical trainings abroad. You receive a low-interest loan, which is paid regardless of your income and the income of your parents. Further information at

Course choice abroad

Which courses can I choose abroad?

For Bachelor students:

If you have been accepted for a place at university abroad, you need to clarify before the start of the semester abroad (approx. 1-2 months before) which achievements from abroad can be recognised. To do this, you will be asked to list a concrete selection of selectable modules, taking into account the content and the respective ECTS points(Course Selection Form). The courses offered by your partner university are usually published on the partner university's website. Some universities provide you with a list of the modules you can choose from. In addition, you can find out from the experience reports which courses your fellow students who have already been abroad have taken at the respective partner university.

For Master's students:

If you have been accepted for a place at university abroad, you need to clarify before starting the semester abroad (approx. 1-2 months before) which achievements from abroad can be recognised. To do this, you will be asked to list a concrete selection of selectable modules, taking into account the content and the respective ECTS points(Course Selection Form). The courses offered by your partner university are usually published on the partner university's website. Some universities provide you with a list of the modules you can choose from. In addition, you can find out from the experience reports which courses your fellow students who have already been abroad have taken at the respective partner university.

If you have a choice as a Master's student of International Business Management, you can basically choose all courses that thematically belong to the degree programme International Business Management and/or to your respective subject areas (KuS or FACT). You should avoid course overlaps or course duplications.

Master's students of the Industrial Engineering degree programme can choose all business courses that fit into their degree programme. Courses that thematically belong to the faculty of mechanical engineering must be clarified in consultation with the respective professors.

Semester dates abroad

What about semester dates abroad?

Depending on the country, the partner universities have different semester times, which can differ significantly, especially for non-European universities. Therefore, it is possible that certain partner universities are not accessible in the summer semester, or that examination periods at FH Aachen cannot be observed if, for example, the semester abroad already begins in January.

You can find the respective semester times on the websites of our partner universities. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the International Faculty Office.

Leave of absence semester

Can I take a leave of absende during the semester abroad?

No, this is not possible, as you will be doing work abroad that will be recognised for your studies at FH Aachen.

Extension of the study period

Do I have to extend my studies by one semester if I go abroad?

For Bachelor students

Students of the degree programme in Business Studies have the option of either an integrated or an additional semester abroad. In the case of an integrated semester abroad, the courses at the partner university are taken in such a way that they can subsequently be recognised with modules at the Faculty of Business Studies. In the case of an additional semester abroad as part of the mobility semester, the prescribed period of study is increased by one semester. In this case, the courses for the semester abroad can be chosen relatively freely, as long as they have a background in business or economics. At the same time, the total number of ECTS credits increases to 210 ECTS. The International Faculty Office, the student and the partner university have to agree to the choice of courses regardless of the option.

In the degree programme Global Business and Economics, it is possible to spend the semester abroad in the form of a mobility semester. In this case, the same rules apply as in the degree programme Business Studies.

In the degree programme Business Law, a semester abroad is possible in principle. However, please contact the International Faculty Office for further information.

For Master's students

As a stay abroad is a compulsory part of the Master's programme International Business Management, you do not have to extend your studies unless you have to make up written examinations or postpone your semester abroad.

In the Master's degree programme Industrial Engineering, you will probably have to extend your studies by 1 semester, as a stay abroad is not part of your study progress. It may be that there is no equivalent course offer at the partner university and not all courses can be credited to you. In the 3-semester degree programme in particular, it is hardly possible to spend a semester abroad without extending your studies. However, it is possible to take an additional study abroad semester in the 3rd subject-specific semester, for example, and to choose additional courses.

FAQ: general questions about studying abroad

How does the recognition of modules taken abroad work?

Before you leave for your semester abroad, the recognition of the modules must be prepared. For this purpose, you will be asked to list a concrete selection of selectable modules, taking into account the contents and the credit points(Course Selection Form). After review by the International Faculty Office, a contract, a so-called "Learning Agreement" or "Recognition Sheet", is prepared between the student, FH Aachen and the partner university, listing modules that will be recognised and the corresponding modules at FH Aachen.
After returning from abroad, the certificate from the partner university is compared with the Learning Agreement/Recognition Sheet, signed and the courses are then recognised accordingly.

Especially for Master students:

For Master Industrial Engineering, only economics courses are recognised via the IFO. Other courses from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering must be clarified in consultation with the respective professors.

What should the experience report look like?

Towards the end of your stay abroad or shortly afterwards, a template with questions will be sent to you. Please take some time to answer them conscientiously, as the experience reports are a great help for future students planning to study abroad.