Extraktion genetisch veränderter DNA unter UV-Licht, Banden mit Skalpell ausschneiden.
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Subject-Specific Academic Counselling Biotechnology M.Sc.

On this page, you will find basic information and the answers to many frequently asked questions. For individual advice, please contact Subject-Specific Academic Counselling directly.

Are you looking for general information about the degree programme?
Website of the Biotechnology M.Sc. Degree Programme

Subject-Specific Academic Counsellor

Room 01E07
52428 Jülich

Consultation Hours

Termin per e-mail

Dean of Students

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Jürgen Pettrak

Room 01E08
52428 Jülich

Consultation Hours

Nach Vereinbarung.
FAQ Prospective Students
FAQ Students