Practical Training
The practical training in cell culture technology
The practical training "Cell Culture Technology" is part of the module "Cell Culture Technology" in the degree programme "Biotechnology, Bachelor of Sciences". The practical training takes place as a block course in the 4th semester and comprises 12 afternoons in the laboratory. In preparation for the practical work, all participants must carry out an online experiment, which consists of the written experiment instructions and a video in which all work steps are shown. An experiment evaluation is to be prepared on the basis of example values.
In the laboratory part, sterile work with a suspension cell line (hybridoma cells) and an adherent cell line (CHO cells) is taught. A second focus is the fermentation (batch culture) of suspension cells. Associated with this are the analysis of important nutrients and the detection of antibodies (product of fermentation) by ELISA. A cytotoxicity test provides further insight into analytical methods.
On the last day there is a final seminar. During this seminar, each group gives a short presentation on one of the experiments from the practical training.
A first insight into the experiments carried out in the practical training can be gained on the page"Media gallery".
Requirements for participation
Please refer to your Examination Regulations for the prerequisites for participation. Initial information on the prerequisites, the registration process and the registration period can be found on the page"Registration for practical trainings".
If you have been allocated a place after the degree of registration, you will be admitted to one of the ILIAS courses, where you will find much more information.
The next prerequisite for participation is passing the entrance examination (entrance seminar) for the practical training, dates and information can be found in the respective ILIAS course. The number of internship places is limited! Make sure you attend the seminar dates! Do not block a place that a fellow student could use! If you do not attend the seminar without excuse (cancel at least 4 weeks before the seminar!), we will assume that you do not wish to participate in this practical training in the future. If you register again, you will be placed at the end of the waiting list. You must expect considerable waiting times, which may then also prolong your studies.
The last requirement for participating in the practical training is the submission of the protocol for the online test. You can also find the test and the deadline in your ILIAS course.
If you have any questions about the practical training, please contact: Th.Schnitzler.
Important information and where to find it.
The practical training documents
The script, the timetable and all other documents are available as a download via ILIAS.
Course of the seminar
Participation is absolutely necessary (see section "Requirements for participation").
The seminar takes place in groups of 2. Questions will be asked about the practical experiments and the associated theoretical background. Participants who lack basic knowledge must attend another preliminary meeting. If the knowledge gaps are still too large to be able to carry out the practical training sensibly, these students will be excluded from the practical training. A new internship place is then usually available in the next semester at the earliest.
Return of the lab coats
The lab coats must be sterilised before they are returned. You can usually take them with you after the final seminar. We strongly recommend that you wash the lab coats thoroughly before using them again. Please bear this in mind with regard to subsequent practical trainings for which you will also need a lab coat.
Uncollected lab coats will be disposed of 21 days after the end of the internship!