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Examination Office

A warm welcome

The Examination Office of the Faculty of Civil Engineering now offers the following opening hours in presence:
Monday to Thursday from 8.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. In addition, the Examination Office is available digitally until 2 p .m. and Friday from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the home office.

The Examination Office manages all examination-relevant information about the students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering.
The best way to contact the Examination Office is by email at: Depending on the volume of emails, it may take a while to process them. However, every email will be processed if it is from your FH account and contains your student ID number. Please refrain from asking about the status of your enquiry. We will get back to you without being asked.

In future, all applications, objections and requests for admission in individual cases should be sent to the functional address On the other hand, the functional address should be used for recognitions, but also for classifications, e.g. in higher semesters when changing universities, degree programmes and cross-registrations.

Please note: Emails from private accounts and without a student ID number will not be processed without comment. Unsigned emails from FH accounts can only be used for information that is not legally binding. Therefore, please only use signed emails for contact with the Examination Office and Examination Board if possible.

Examination dates
Examination modalities
Examination Regulations
Applications and forms
Practical project | Final thesis
Examination Board

Tasks of the Examination Office

The Examination Office manages all examination-related information about students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. For all questions concerning the following topics:

  • Questions about exam registrations and cancellations,
  • Information on registration dates and deadlines,
  • Acceptance of exam withdrawals (if not possible via QIS),
  • Admission to the practical project; practical semester and final theses (Bachelor, Master),
  • Registration, admission and submission of final theses,
  • Issue of certificates* and attestations,
  • Information on online exam registration and grade queries via HIS QIS,
  • Acceptance of medical certificates of incapacity to take examinations,
  • Examination dates,
  • Administration of study and examination achievements,
  • Bafög certificates,

you are welcome to contact the Examination Office directly during office hours. You can also contact the Examination Board.

Information on all subject-related study issues and study progress can be obtained from the relevant Academic Counselling Service.

* Certificates can be collected by graduates from the Faculty Administrative Office once they have been issued.

Contact us

Martin-Plum, Brigitte

Photo  Brigitte Martin-Plum
Angestellte im Prüfungsamt
Fachbereich 2 - Bauingenieurwesen
Room 02403
52066 Aachen

Consultation Hours

Mo - Do 8:30 bis 11:30, Fr 8:00 - 13:00 Homeoffice

You can reach us at the following functional addresses:

Exam nerves?

Are you suffering from severe exam anxiety? The Psychosocial Counselling service at FH Aachen can help you. The Psychosocial Counselling service supports students in overcoming personal and study-related difficulties or in preparing for challenging phases of study and life.