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Welcome to the Campus for Shaping the Future!

With the Bachelor's degree programmes in Product Design and Communication Design as well as the Master's degree programme in Design, the modern campus provides around 600 students with optimal conditions for exchange and networking and, above all, for developing a creative signature and a high level of problem-solving skills.

Small seminar groups and personal dialogue offer sufficient space for individual design studies and the joint pursuit of innovative design solutions. Our aim is to train creative personalities who design and act in an ethically and socially responsible manner in the interests of social, ecological and economic sustainability.

The faculty offers the following degree programmes:

If you would like to receive regular information about the Faculty of Design, you can subscribe to our faculty newsletter here: Subscribe to our newsletter or our Instagram channel. You can access the current and back issues of our newsletter here: Insight

Creativity and design have been a tradition at Boxgraben for over 100 years.

Insights into our Faculty of Design

Campus for shaping the future

Direct Access

Degree Programmes

Degree Programmes

For Prospective Students

For Prospective Students

All About Studying

All About Studying

Service Points

Service Points

Projects / Co-operations

Projects / Co-operations




18.07.2024 14:00 - 21:00

BOXSHOW Sommersemester 2024

Ausstellung der Semesterarbeiten

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23.07.2024 20:00 - 22:00

Movie Mania Sommersemester 2024

Vorführung der Arbeiten aus dem Bereich Film im Apollo Kino

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24.07.2024 19:30 - 22:00

Showtime Sommersemester 2024

Vorführung der Arbeiten aus dem Bereich Bewegtbild

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26.07.2024 11:00 - 27.07.2024 18:00

DIPLOMA Sommersemester 2024

Ausstellung der Abschlussarbeiten

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Kunstaktion des Kulturwerks: Wo geht es hin?

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Bronzener Nagel beim ADC Talent Award

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Die FH Aachen trauert um Prof. Christiane Maether

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OMAS GEGEN RECHTS und FH: Aufklärung junger Wähler:innen

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Kind des Internets

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Faculty Administrative Office

Sigrid Thull

Boxgraben 100
Room BOX 02105
52064 Aachen

Consultation Hours

Mo, Mi, Do 10.00 – 12.00 Uhr und Mo – Do 15.00 – 16.00 Uhr

Examination Office

Daniela Miks-Schlebusch

Boxgraben 100
Room BOX 02104
52064 Aachen

Consultation Hours

Di-Do 10-12 Uhr

The Faculty Administrative Office is, among other things, the point of contact for notice approvals, procurements, coordination of personnel matters (e.g. for employment as a Student Assistant or subject tutor) and for the allocation of meeting rooms.

The Examination Office's tasks include managing exam registrations and cancellations, registering grades, issuing certificates and checking admissions or non-admissions to exams or final theses.