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Data Processing

Data Processing Laboratory

The Data Processing Lab is used for the following trainings:

  • Practical course on data processing
  • Practical course on numerics (NUMAS)
  • Practical course on production logistics and automation engineering
  • Practical course on test planning, measurement and control systems
  • Practical course on industrial business operations and production planning
  • Windows software
  • Networks: basics, applications, safety
  • Introduction to LINUX operation system
  • Object-oriented C++ programming
  • JAVA programming language
  • Computerized problem solving of engineering issues (SciLab, MatLab)
  • Introduction to LabView
  • Test scheduling, measurement & control systems (course is held in English)



  • 18 Dell PCs
  • 3 Overhead projectors
  • 1 3M beamer


  • Each PC runs optionally either with LINUX or Windows operating system.
  • A wide range of user programs are available for both operation systems.

Laboratory Room No.

Room Goe 01202

Head of the Laboratory

Emonts, Jessica, Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Teaching Subject: Angewandte Mathematik und Data Science
Fachbereich 8 - Maschinenbau und Mechatronik
Goethestraße 1
Room Goe 01209
52064 Aachen
Consultation Hours
Nach Vereinbarung

Laboratory Staff

Gottschlich-Müller, Birgit, Dr.

Photo Dr. Birgit Gottschlich-Müller
Wissenschaftliche Angestellte
Fachbereich 8 - Maschinenbau und Mechatronik
Schedule of Events
List of Publications
Goethestraße 1
Room Goe 00408
52064 Aachen