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Laboratory for Thermodynamics and Energy Technology

Thermodynamics is a basic course that belongs to the curriculum's required subjects. At present, the practical training in Thermodynamics consists of the following three experiments:

  • Temperature measurement procedures
  • Vapor-liquid phase equilibrium (measuring the vapor pressure curve of carbon dioxide)
  • Processes in humid air

The experiments are designed such that students can conduct them on their own.

Energy Technology is an elective course for which the lab provides experimenal set-ups and testing equipment for the following issues:

  • Thermal heat pumps
  • Combined heat and power units
  • Heat exchanger
  • Thermography


  • General lab measurement instrumentation to measure electric variables
  • Testing equipment for the Temperature Measurement practical training
  • Testing equipment to measure the vapour pressure curve of carbon dioxide
  • Experiamental set-up Humid Air
  • Heat pump
  • Several thermographic systems
  • Gas-powered combined heat and power unit
  • Steam-powered combined heat and power unit
  • Experiamental set-up heat transfer test rig (under construction)
  • Experiamental set-up shell-and-tube heat exchanger

Lab Room

Room Goe 00108 und 00109
T +49.241.6009 52447

Head of the Laboratory

Feuerriegel, Uwe, Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Teaching Subject: Thermische Energietechnik
Photo Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Feuerriegel
Fachbereich 8 - Maschinenbau und Mechatronik
Goethestraße 1
Room Goe 00414
52064 Aachen
Consultation Hours
nach Vereinbarung per Mail

Laboratory Staff

Schönwald, Jürgen, Dipl.-Ing.

Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter
Fachbereich 8 - Maschinenbau und Mechatronik
Goethestraße 1
Room Goe 00411
52064 Aachen