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Projects and final theses

Here you will find important information about Project 2, the practical project and final theses (Bachelor and Master).

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Project 2 (pro8-2)

After the successful completion of pro8-1, students on the Bachelor's degree programmes in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Rail Vehicle Technology must carry out a further project in a team of three to six team members in the sixth semester. You will need the form Anmeldung_zu_Projekt_2.pdf to register the project with the project supervisor. Do NOT submit the form to the Examinations Office, but to the project supervisor. Further information on Project 2 can be found here.

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Registration, information and documents on the practical project

Registration for the practical project

The application for admission to the practical project is now accompanied by the form on study progress (also in the zip folder) must be attached to the application for admission to the practical project. It is used to check the requirements and prepare the certificate.

  1. Assignment of elective (compulsory) subjects: Indicate which elective subject is to be booked and how. Unassigned electives appear as additional subjects on the certificate.
  2. Please check the entries in QIS. If "General competences" is not entered, please indicate in the form how you have acquired them and attach proof (e.g. certificate sheet).
  3. Indicate which modules still need to be passed before admission to the colloquium.
  4. If you have already been admitted to the practical project, please submit the study progress form when you register for the Bachelor's thesis.

Practicalproject forms
The zip file Praxisprojekt.zip contains the form for applying for your practical project. Please also read the information file!

kein Härtefall nötig wenn...

Bis auf Weiteres gilt auf Basis der Entscheidung des Prüfungsausschusses in seiner Sitzung vom 24.04.2024: Sie benötigen keinen Härtefallantrag bei der Anmeldung des Praxisprojekts, wenn Sie zum Zeitpunkt der Anmeldung bis zu drei Klausuren aus dem vierten oder höheren Semester schon geschrieben haben, aber diese noch nicht korrigiert worden sind und Ihnen keine weiteren Prüfungsleistungen aus den ersten fünf Semestern fehlen. In diesen Fällen können Sie sich zum Praxisprojekt anmelden, ohne vorher den formalen Weg des Härtefallantrags gegangen zu sein.

Does the practical project count as practical training under labour law?

Neither the final thesis nor the practical project serve to "acquire practical knowledge and experience" and therefore do NOT have the character of practical training under labour law.
In contrast, the mobility window is a mandatory internship.

Detailed justification:

A Bachelor's or Master's thesis "... is an examination in which the student should show that he or she is capable of independently working on and documenting a task from his or her subject area within a given deadline in accordance with the requirements of the degree programme, both in its technical details and in its interdisciplinary contexts, using scientific, practical and, if necessary, creative methods." (Framework examination regulations §27(1))
The work may "... be completed at an institution outside the university of applied sciences with the consent of the Chairperson of the Examination Board, if it can be adequately supervised there." (RPO §27(3))
"As part of the practical project, a practice-oriented task is worked on independently within or outside a company or other organisation. The procedure and results of the practical project can be part of the final thesis:" (RPO §25(1))
The final thesis and practical project are examination achievements that require independence and can be "passed" (with or without a grade) or "failed". Both module examinations may, but do not have to, be carried out outside the university.
According to §22 of the Minimum Wage Act, the following applies: "Regardless of the name of the legal relationship, a trainee is anyone who, according to the actual structure and implementation of the contractual relationship, undergoes a specific company activity for a limited period of time in order to acquire practical knowledge and experience in preparation for a professional activity, without this being vocational training within the meaning of the Vocational Training Act or comparable practical training."

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Registration and documents for the final thesis

The application for admission to the final thesis must also be accompanied by the study progress form. It is used to check the prerequisites and prepare the preparation of the certificate.
Assignment of elective (compulsory) subjects:
Indicate which elective subject is to be booked and how. Unassigned electives appear as additional subjects on the certificate (if desired).
Please check the entries in QIS. If the module "General Competences" is not booked, please indicate in the form how you acquired these and attach proof if necessary.
Indicate which modules still need to be passed before admission to the colloquium.
Deadlines for final theses
The final thesis in Bachelor's degree programmes (Bachelor's thesis) usually comprises 12 credit points, this corresponds to a processing time of approx. 9 weeks, but at least 6 weeks in accordance with § 5 paragraph 7, see also RPO § 29 for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes.
The final thesis in Master's degree programmes (Master's thesis) usually comprises 27 credit points, which corresponds to a processing time of approx. 20 weeks, but at least 14 weeks, in accordance with Section 5 (7).
The topic and the task must be such that the final thesis can be completed within the specified deadline. In exceptional cases, the Chair of the Examination Board may extend the completion time by a maximum of four weeks (in the Bachelor's programme) and eight weeks (in the Master's programme) upon a justified request submitted before the deadline.

Prepare your project or final thesis in accordance with the layout guidelines for project and final theses of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics (file Layout Guideline-15.04.2016.pdf - currently being revised, if you have any questions, please contact the Examinations Office). For the title page of your final thesis, please use the file(Titelblatt.docx) as a template.
Otherwise, presentations, term papers, Bachelor's and Master's theses should correspond to the corporate design of FH Aachen. Interdepartmental templates for presentations, term papers, Bachelor's and Master's theses can be found here.

1. thesis_infoblatt.pdf
2. Antrag Aendernung Titel_20161212.pdf
3. Antrag auf Zulassung zur Abschlussarbeit_2023.pdf
4. Aufbewahrungspflicht der Abschlussarbeit_2023.pdf
5. Formular_Text_Absolventenbuch.pdf
6. Verlängerungsantrag_Abschlussarbeit_2023.pdf

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Hardship applications

Information on hardship applications in connection with the practical project and/or final theses can be found under Hardship applications onthe "Information on examinations" page.

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