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Finding the right degree programme

It's your choice - but we help!

It's nice to have many options. However, having to decide is often difficult. FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences offers a wide range of advising options. Use them to find the study program that suits you!

Information for pupils / high school students

The FH Aachen offers a website for high school students that provides a good introduction to this topic. It offers both general information about the choice of studies, but of course also informs about how to find the right study program for you at the FH Aachen.


Projects for pupils in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics

At Aachen University of Applied Sciences, there are many opportunities to find out more and try things out before choosing a course of study. Pupils' projects that our faculty usually annually carries out are listed on the Pupils' Projects page.


General Student Advisory Service

The General Student Advisory Service advises and supports high school students and all other prospective students in their choice and decision to study. During their studies, students can find help here with questions about their studies and difficulties in the course of their studies.

  • Study orientation, study choice and study preparation
  • Study contents, study structure and study requirements
  • Change of course of study or university
  • Personal difficulties relevant to studies
  • Information about other counseling institutions and other universities

Student Service Center

The Student Service Center (SSC) is the first point of contact for students and prospective students. You don't know who is responsible for questions regarding application, enrollment, re-registration, exmatriculation, FH card, etc.? We are happy to answer your first questions. If you have further questions, we will forward you to the responsible colleagues from the departments.

Academic Counsellors

If you have already informed yourself, but still have unanswered specific questions, such as the curriculum or subject-related questions, then please contact an academic advisor. The advisors will help you with:

  • Choosing a degree programme
  • Questions about the program content
  • Questions about the course of studies
  • Study planning
  • Questions about the elective options in the curriculum
  • Questions about the focus of studies
  • Choosing a suitable Master's programme

In our faculty there are different academic advisors, depending on the study programme. On the Contact page of the respective study programme you will find the corresponding academic advisor:

For the Master's programme Mechatronics (M.Sc.) you can contact the head of the degree program directly.

Advisor for dual study programmes

All information on dual study programmes at FH Aachen can be found on the Dual Study Programmes website. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics offers the Bachelor 's degree programme in Mechatronics as a dual studies programme.

Experience reports

Go to the homepage of the bachelor degree programmeWould you like to know what others have experienced during their studies in our faculty? Each of our degree programmes offers decision support and experience reports by our graduates on its homepage.

Online Self Assessment

The FH Navigator is a tool for orientation and self-reflection (Online Self Assessment = OSA). You work online on questions and tasks from study-relevant topics. The results are evaluated and you receive feedback. Participation is free of charge and anonymous. We would like to give you the opportunity to compare your attitude and your own knowledge of the school material with the requirements of your studies. More information at: https://www.fh-aachen.de/osa


You are still unsure what you want to do after having finished school? Then get to know the FH Aachen UAS and its numerous and diverse study programmes at the HIT. The FH Aachen UAS organizes an annual university information day (in German: HIT) on the campus on Eupener Straße. Meet us there with our study programs and exhibits! The heads of our study programmes introduce themselves and their programs. Students and faculty members will be present at the booths of the degree programmes and will be happy to answer your questions about studying. Further information about the HIT can be found here.