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FH Navigator - FAQ

Why do I need the Online Self Assessment (OSA)?

You must have completed the FH Navigator if you wish to register for one of the following Bachelor's degree programmes in the Faculties of Aerospace Engineering 6 or Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics 8:

  • Aerospace Engineering (B.Eng.)
  • Automotive and Propulsion Engineering (B.Eng.)
  • Flight Operations Technology with Commercial Pilot Training (B.Eng.)
  • Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng.)
  • Mechatronics (B.Eng.)
  • Rail Vehicle Technology (B.Eng.)
  • Industrial Engineering (B.Sc.), subject area Mechanical Engineering


You will receive a confirmation of your participation after completing the OSA. You must print out this confirmation of participation (PDF document) and present it at the time of registration. Because your entries are confidential, the confirmation does not contain any information about your entries or results, but only the certificate that you have completed an online self-assessment prior to registration.

What is queried?

The FH Navigator consists of thematically different modules. After a brief introduction, you will be asked to answer questions from the following subject areas:

  • Demography
  • Personal initiative
  • Matching expectations
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • motivation
  • Technology

Finally, there is feedback and an evaluation. Finally, you can save your certificate of attendance as a PDF file. You must print this out and present it at the time of registration.

The tasks you have to solve in the mathematics, physics and technology modules are specially tailored to our degree programmes. Professors from the Faculties of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics have developed the questions to suit the respective degree programme. So that you know what is important even before you start your degree programme.

By answering these questions, you will find out how you compare to the programme requirements and how you have performed in comparison to other participants. Everything is completely anonymous.

You will NOT receive feedback after each module, but you will definitely receive feedback at the end of the self-assessment. It is up to you whether you follow the feedback recommendations. However, you should take them seriously: in our view, they are a prerequisite for successful and satisfied study.

It usually takes between 90 and 120 minutes to go through the FH Navigator once, but this can vary greatly from person to person. The time investment is worthwhile if you answer the questions seriously, because we want you to choose a degree programme that suits you!

Who is the online self-assessment aimed at?

The OSA of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics and the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at FH Aachen is aimed at anyone interested in studying engineering at FH Aachen, especially eleventh and twelfth year pupils.

What happens to my answers?

The results of your online self-assessment (OSA) are only stored anonymously. The OSA team at FH Aachen uses the anonymous data to revise questions and problem tasks and to further improve the programme.

The result of the self-assessment has no effect on the allocation of places at university.
At the end of the OSA, your personal data (name, date of birth) is requested, but it is only required for printing the certificate of participation that you need for registration. The results of your OSA are not shown on the certificate of participation. They are only stored anonymously and not together with your personal data. As you can interrupt your OSA at any time and resume it at a later date, the OSA data must of course be saved. However, in order to link your OSA to your personal data, you need the TAN number, which only you have. It is generated automatically by a random number generator. You should therefore make a good note of it!

Can I repeat the OSA?

You can repeat the online self-assessment as often as you like. The purpose of the OSA is not to achieve a better result again and again, but to find your own strengths and weaknesses. If you are aware of these and reflect on them, you will know whether or not you are right in your choice of degree programme. If the result is not so great, you should consider whether an engineering degree programme is really right for you.

On the other hand, we don't want to discourage anyone. If the feedback you receive at the end of the OSA is not so positive, then you need to realise that you won't be able to do everything in your degree programme with ease, but will have to do something or a lot to achieve your goal. If you are prepared to do this, you can do it. Because, as the saying goes, where there's a will, there's a way.

How are the degree programme-oriented self-assessments and other counselling procedures at FH Aachen connected?

The online self-assessment of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics and the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering is part of the study orientation programme at FH Aachen.

For general questions about the range of studies offered, you can contact the General Academic Counselling of FH Aachen.

For subject-specific questions, the academic advisors of the respective faculties can help. For the degree programmes of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, you can find their contact details on the "Contact" page of the Bachelor's degree programme you are interested in.