Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Regulatory Committee

Regulatory Committee

Mandatory committee (according to the Higher Education Act)

Term of office 1.09.2021 to 31.08.2024.

The Regulations Committee reviews and penalises violations of regulations by FH Aachen students for the purpose of the university's ability to function.
It works on the basis of corresponding regulations.

In addition to the members listed below, other expert members of the university may be consulted in individual cases.

The following are authorised to apply

  • the university member affected by a breach of regulations
  • the liaison lecturer of the faculty
  • the Equal Opportunity Officer
  • the Rectorate


Mrs Bigit Köppinger, Chairwoman

Prof Thomas Tünnemann (group of university lecturers)

Katrin Bünte (academic staff)

Carolin Albrecht (technical and administrative staff)

Anna Schnitzeler (group of students)

Marco Trawinsky (student group)

Antrag für den Ordnungsausschuss

Short description:

Antrag für den Ordnungsausschuss gemäß § 5 Ordnungsrechtssatzung


Short description:

Satzung zur Regelung von Ordnungsverstößen und Ordnungsmaßnahmen (Ordnungsrechtssatzung)