

Workshops for your thesis (FB7)

Systematically searching for literature

Friday, 03/08/2024 10:00-11:30

During this workshop you’ll learn where and how to search for literature. We will show you how to develop your search strategy, define inclusion/exclusion criteria, formulate searches with keywords and which databases you should use and how to use them. 

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Introduction to Citavi

Friday, 03/08/2024 12:30-2:00

Citavi is a reference management system. This Windows-based software is available to all members of the FH Aachen thanks to a campus-wide licence. 

In our workshop we will show you basic functions of Citavi and explain how to import literature references from library catalogues and databases.

You will also learn how to generate standardised quotations and reference lists in your Word document. In addition, we will also show you how to automatically create your reference list with the Citation style of your faculty.

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Introduction to Zotero – for MacUsers

Friday, 03/08/2024 12:30-2:00

You have heard about Citavi but you are working with a MacBook? No problem – in this workshop we will show you how the reference management system Zotero works as an alternative. The Zotero software is for free.

In our workshop we will show you basic functions of Zotero and explain how to import literature references from library catalogues and databases.

You will also learn how to generate standardised quotations and reference lists in your text
document. In addition, we will also show you how to automatically create your reference list with the Citation style of your faculty.

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