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Structural engineering

At a glance

Your tasks in structural engineering consist primarily of designing, dimensioning and finally constructing buildings such as houses, road and railway systems, towers, bridges, tunnels, canals and much more. Various materials and construction materials are used, and you will learn about their suitability for technical construction in the course of your practice-orientated studies. You will design and dimension load-bearing structures and be responsible for their load-bearing capacity and suitability for use. Aspects such as statics and material strength are therefore key elements of your degree programme.

Planning of buildings and coordination of construction processes | The environment used and designed by people is characterised by buildings that serve living, working, leisure, mobility or other purposes. All buildings are accompanied from the idea to completion by engineers in structural engineering and construction management and are designed, dimensioned, planned ready for execution, calculated and finally constructed. The activities are characterised by the creative and economical handling of structures and materials as well as a high level of confidence in the coordination of construction processes.

Career opportunities

Your tasks can range from construction planning and design to construction supervision and quality assurance as well as construction management and management functions. The list of possible employers reflects the broad field of application and the flexible employment opportunities. The classic employers include

  • Engineering offices and consulting companies in the field of construction planning
  • Construction companies
  • National and international construction groups
  • Insurance companies
  • Public administration of federal, state and local authorities (e.g. bridge and road construction)
  • Larger property owners (refurbishment and modernisation)
  • Manufacturers of construction products, product management
  • Universities and testing institutes for construction products

In addition, the Bachelor's degree provides a good basis for becoming self-employed in the field of planning and construction.

Impressionen aus der Vertiefungsrichtung Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau