
» Neues Energiekonzept für Deutschland

Energieseminar im Sommersemester 2012

Das Energieseminar wird in diesem Sommersemester in englischer Sprache durchgeführt. In den Vorträgen wird das neue Energiekonzept für Deutschland aus verschiedenen Perspektiven beleuchtet: Biogasnutzung, Windenergie bis hin zur Forschung im Bereich Nuklearer Fusion werden in den einzelnen Terminen angesprochen. Als Referenten konnten der Fachbereich auch dieses Mal hochkrätige Vertreter aus der Forschung und verschiedener nationaler und internationaler Unternehmen gewinnen.

Die Veranstaltungen finden immer mittwochs um 14.00 Uhr im Raum 00G15 statt und richten sich an Studierende aller Studienrichtungen. 

Die Termine im Überblick:

28. März: Einführungsveranstaltung (Klaus Brüssermann)

4. April: The new energy concept in Germany and the importance of the management of our ressources (C. Senz, Procom, Aachen)
To realise the energy concept in Germany a discussion about the necessary resources is very important. In this lecture some of these aspects will be discussed for single energy conversion scenarios.

11. April: The new energy concept in Germany and biomass conversion plants (Simone Gröbel, NOWUM-Energy, FH Aachen)
Biomass will be one of the participants in the future energy conversion in Germany, which can be used according to a time schedule for its use. The importance of biomass , the raw materials and their use will be treated in this lecture.

18. April: The new energy concept in Germany and wind energy (E. Effern, Windtest)

25. April: The new energy concept in Germany and the nuclear fusion (J. Linke, Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Nuclear fusion has a large potential in future energy conversion, whose technical realisation needs a lot of further development. The state of this technique and the future realisation will be discussed in this lecture.

2. Mai: Which energy resources for our future? A challenge for a sustainable development ( Merville, TOTAL)
This presentation includes a comparison between France and Germany regarding the sources of energy used for  electricity  production. It is very interesting to see the German concept from a foreign country, though one of our nearest partners in the EU.

9. Mai: The energy concept of Germany, the role of nuclear power (H. Pamme/ RWE Power)
Da im Energiekonzept für Deutschland die Option Kernenergie zeitlich befristet
ist, ergeben sich für Restbetrieb, sicheren Einschluß/Rückbau und Endlagerung
aufgrund der engen Termine viele Fragestellungen. Auf diese und auf ihre Lösung aus der Sicht eines Energiekonzerns wird in diesem Vortrag eingegangen.

16. Mai: The new energy concept in Germany and the influence of cogeneration (Isabel Kuperjans, NOWUM-Energy, FH Aachen)
The efficient use of energy and its conversion is one of the most interesting and important parts in the future energy system. Techniques and realisations will be treated in this lecture. 

23. Mai: The new energy concept in Germany and thermo-solar systems (S. Alexopoulos, SIJ, FH Aachen)
The different thermo-solar systems will be presented in this lecture. They can be used in Germany, better in southern countries, in that case the international conditions in using the systems and in energy transport must be discussed as well.

30. Mai: The new energy concept in Germany and hard coal (M. Suciu, Steag)

6. Juni: Hydrogen Storage and Delivery for Automobile and Portable Application (S.S. Murthy, IIT Madras, Indien)
Hydrogen is one possibility to store energy in combination with renewable energies. Mobile applications will be discussed in this seminar lecture.

13. Juni: The new energy concept in Germany and lignite coal (A. Brühl, T. Linke, RWE Power)Lignite is one of the most important energy resources in Germany and can be used for a couple of decades. The problems of the combination with renewables, of CO2 emissions and others will be treated in this lecture.

20. Juni: The new energy concept in Germany and the importance of smart grids (A. Monti, E.ON ERC der RWTH Aachen)
Perhaps the greatest challenge in the new energy concept is the transportation and distribution of the energy in suitable grids and their combination (for
example electrical and gas). This lecture will deal with this important topic.