Aufnahme eines Bewerbungsformulars, das auf einem Tisch liegt.

Application Process

Exchange agreement

If you want to become an exchange student at the Faculty of Business Studies, a student exchange agreement between your university and the FH Aachen is required. Please contact the international office of your home university to find out if such an agreement exists or check our list of partner universities for more details.

The agreement allows students to earn credits at the FH Aachen Faculty of Business Studies and transfer them back to their home university, all while being exempt from paying any tuition fees to the FH Aachen. However, all students must pay a student activity fee (or semester fee), which is currently at € 310 (as summer term 2024).

Exchange nomination

If there is an agreement, apply to your international office first for an exchange placement. Your home university needs to then formally nominate you for a study abroad at the FH Aachen. The nomination deadline for the winter semester is May 15th, and for the summer semester November 15th. Application is possible until May 31st for the winter semester and until November 30th for the summer semester. After the student exchange nomination, you will be asked to fill in an online application. Once we have received all your documents, we will provide further information about accommodation, courses, etc.


German language skills

Lectures and seminars at the FH Aachen are held in German and in English. All nominated students should have a good level of written and spoken German or English to ensure that they can follow lectures and complete written and oral assignments. We recommend a level of B2.

Incoming students can register for different German Language Courses.

We look forward to welcoming you on campus!