Das Logo des Studi-Supports besteht aus verschieden-farbigen Linien, die an einen U-Bahn-Fahrplan erinnert. Die Haltestellenpunkte markieren die verschiedenen Etappen des Studiums.
Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.


You have decided to study and an exciting but also challenging time lies ahead of you. To help you find your way in this phase of your life, we support you at the various stages. In the introductory phase, we provide you with assistance in getting started with your studies and support you in networking with other students. The measures in the development phase are designed to help you strengthen your foundation and prepare for further study progress. This is because the subsequent specialisation phase is all about shaping your further study progress yourself. We will support you in your choice of specialisation modules and show you various paths and options. The last stage on which we will accompany you is the final phase. Here you will find support in completing your studies and preparing for your career entry.

We will be happy to introduce you to the measures available in the various stages in a little more detail.

Termine im Sommersemester 2024

5.3. | 10 – 11.30 Uhr | online
Literatursuche für die Bachelorarbeit für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler:innen

5.3. | 14 – 15.30 Uhr | online
Literatursuche für die Bachelorarbeit für Wirtschaftsrecht-Studierende

6.3. | 10 – 11.30 Uhr | online
Workshop: Einführung in Citavi

6.3. | 10 – 11.30 Uhr | online
Workshop: Einführung in Zotero (für MacUser)

8.3. | 10 – 11.30 am | online
Workshop: Systematically searching for literature for your bachelor thesis

8.3. | 12.30 am – 2 pm | online
Workshop: Introduction to Citavi

8.3. | 12.30 am – 2 pm | online
Workshop: Introduction to Zotero (for MacUser)

11.3. | 9 Uhr
Startschuss - Jetzt geht's los! (Info-Veranstaltung)

18.3. | 9 Uhr
Startschuss - Jetzt geht's los! (Info-Veranstaltung)

25.3. | 8 Uhr | Foyer Gebäude D
Check-in mit Ausgabe der Ersti-Taschen
anschließend Erstsemesterbegrüßung | D006

Orientierungswoche für Erstsemesterstudierende

27.3. | E261
13.15-14 Uhr | Wie erstelle ich meinen Stundenplan?
14-14.45 Uhr | Vorstellung der Online-Services der Bibliothek
14.45-15.30 Uhr | Vorstellung des Hochschulsportzentrums

8.4. | 10.15-12.15 Uhr | E250
Motto-Sprechstunde | Fragen zum Stundenplan?

8.4. | 12.15-13.45 Uhr | E255
Vortrag | Campus Connection - Neue Freunde und Freizeitangebote finden

11.4. | 16 – 19 Uhr | E255
Kennlernveranstaltung | Spieleabend

23.4. | 16 Uhr | Gründungszentrum Raum A103
Kamingespräch: Karrierekiller Coming-out? Queer Karriere machen
Organisatoren: Prof. Dr. Andreas Bernecker, Prof. Dr. Hans Mackenstein, Marcel Roizman
Anmeldung erforderlich per Mail an kamingespraech.comingout@gmail.com

29.4.| 12.15-13.45 Uhr | E255
Erfahrungsbericht | Rund um das Auslandssemester

6.5. | 12.15-13.45 Uhr | E255
Erfahrungsbericht | Vorlesungen vor- und nachbereiten – Aber wie?

13.5. | 10.15-12.15 Uhr | E250
Motto-Sprechstunde | Reading-Week – Was bedeutet das für mich?

13.5. | 12.15-13.45 Uhr | E255
Informationsveranstaltung | Wie melde ich mich zu Prüfungen an?

14.5. | 11.30 Uhr | BWL & Wirtschaftsrecht E261
Informationsveranstaltung | Vertiefungsstudium

16.5. | 11.30 Uhr | BWL & Wirtschaftsrecht E261
Informationsveranstaltung | Mobilitätssemester, Praxisprojekt, Bachelorarbeit

ab 27.5.
Vorstellung der Vertiefungsmodule und entsprechender Berufsmöglichkeiten durch Professor:innen

27.5. | 12.15-13.45 Uhr | E255
Workshop | Lerntechniken – Welcher Lerntyp bin ich? 

4.6. | 11.30 Uhr |  GBE E263
Informationsveranstaltung | Praxisprojekt, Bachelorarbeit

6.6. | 16 – 19 Uhr | Wiese vor Gebäude D
Kennlernveranstaltung | Picknick

10.6. | 12.15-13.45 Uhr | E255
Infoveranstaltung | Prüfungen planen/verschieben – Was muss ich beachten?

19.6. | 11.30 Uhr | Anmeldung online
Bewerbungswerkstatt: Lebenslauf Speed Dating | Prof. Dr. Sarah Maihaus

28.6. | ab 16 Uhr | Gebäude D
ENDSPURT – Die lange Nacht der Prüfungsvorbereitung


Zu den Workshop-Terminen der Psychosozialen Beratung

Zu den Workshop-Terminen des Career Service


As soon as you are officially registered at our faculty, you will receive a welcome email with important information about the start of your studies. We will send you checklists before and after the start of lectures so that you can make sure you have made all the preparations for a successful first semester.

Fresher's Survival Kit

Especially at the beginning of your studies, you will be confronted with many new topics and terms. The Fresher's Survival Kit answers questions such as how registration for exams works, what ILIAS is or what the IFO is all about. It explains our faculty and answers many other questions that may arise at the beginning.

Important information

We will send you all the important information you need to know for a successful first semester by email. Since it can happen that one or the other email gets lost, we also upload stories on all important topics on our Instagram profile. Some topics are a bit more complex and may not be obvious at first glance. Tutorials explain how to register for lectures and seminars, how to check whether your timetable is complete, and how to register for exams.

First Semester Welcome

We are very pleased that you have chosen our faculty and would like to welcome you to our first semester welcome. Here we introduce you to important contacts and show you why your decision to study at FH Aachen was exactly the right one. Afterwards, your orientation week begins and you can get to know your new fellow students.

Orientation week

The orientation week before the start of your studies is a lot of fun. It is organised by students from higher semesters who are involved in the student council of the faculty (Fachschaft) and as first-year tutors. You can get to know the university and Aachen and make first contacts with your fellow students.

Chat groups

We set up course-specific groups on WhatsApp, Signal or similar apps, so that you can exchange information and network with fellow students before the start of lectures. Do you have a lot of questions in your head? You are not alone. In the groups you can help each other and get to know each other.

Student mentoring

New studies, new city, new friends. A start of studies can be overwhelming, but that is quite normal. To help you find your way around, we provide you with student mentors. They organise events beyond the orientation week so that you can make new contacts and share your first experiences at our faculty. During regular consultation hours, you can also seek advice on study problems in a trusting environment during the further course of your studies.

Information events - Examination Regulations, Timetable, Examination Registration ...

Are there a lot of questions floating around in your head and are you unsure about some things? In order to clear up your jungle of questions, the Academic Counselling Service and the student mentors offer information events in the first semester that explain how the timetable is created, what you should know about the Examination Regulations, where you can find support and how you can register for exams.

(Kopie 12)

Study Night

Shortly before the exam period, things usually get stressful. You wonder whether you have learned enough, doubt whether you have understood everything and questions may still arise that you don't know the answer to. This makes you nervous. To support you during this time, we organise a study night shortly before the exam period. There, subject tutorials are offered to work on exam-like tasks for effective exam preparation.

(Kopie 13)

Psychosocial Counselling

Every student experiences pressure when preparing for exams, "procrastination" or stress during their studies. When the challenge becomes a problem, you can turn to Psychosocial Counselling (PSB). The PSB offers workshops and counselling sessions to find possible solutions for known student obstacles or assistance in acute crisis situations.

Competence Workshop - Learning Techniques Workshop

In order to learn effectively, it is very helpful to know how your memory works and what type of learner you are. Do you diligently write flashcards before every written examination and wonder why your grades don't meet your learning goals after all? Perhaps you are more of an auditory learner. In the workshop on learning techniques, we will find this out together and give you tips on which learning environment is best for you. To the dates

Competence Workshop - Time Management Workshop

When should I start studying? How can I still enjoy the summer despite the exam phase? How do I keep track of everything? A semester is shorter than many people think and the exam period often comes earlier than expected. In the Time Management workshop, we work out your individual timetable for your semester so that you can prepare for the next exam period in the best possible way. We offer you assistance and tell you when you should start studying at the latest. To the dates

Information event - advanced studies, practical or semester abroad, last examination achievements

After you have acquired a broad basic knowledge in the first semesters, you have the opportunity to specialise according to your affinity and interests by choosing specialisation modules from the fourth semester onwards. Would you like to organise your studies more individually and gain practical experience or spend some time studying abroad? Or are you about to take your last major examination achievements, the Bachelor's thesis? We regularly offer information events to help you make the right decision about areas of specialisation, mobility semesters or working on your thesis. To the dates

Information Event - Advanced Studies, Professors

Our professors also present their respective specialisation modules in appointments. In particular, they discuss the content of the modules and present career opportunities that are possible with the corresponding specialisations. To the events

Application training

Have you taken your first specialisations and will soon be writing your Bachelor's thesis? Then you're also taking big steps towards your first real job. We will support you in writing a convincing application and tell you the tips and tricks of HR professionals. We'll show you how to showcase your personality in your cover letter and CV and get that little bit closer to your dream job.

Career Service

To support you in your career planning at an early stage, the Career Service of FH Aachen offers various events and seminars during the semester. Topics include preparing application documents, salary negotiations, employment contracts, communication training and starting salaries.

Workshops - Literature research and management

Your first term paper is due or you are starting your preparations for your Bachelor's thesis and are wondering how best to find literature? The Library staff will explain this to you in their workshops. In addition to the literature search, they give you helpful tips on literature management to really get started and give your work the right polish. To the dates

Business Insights

The Business Insights event is designed to show you how diverse the career prospects are with a degree in business studies and to motivate you to successfully complete your studies. All of the speakers graduated from our faculty. You can use the opportunity to exchange ideas with them and make new contacts. You can also find out about career entry opportunities at company information stands.