Studentin in einer der ersten Veranstaltungen des Semesters
Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

FAQ first-year students

Is there a preliminary course?

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering offers a mathematics pre-course for the degree programmes Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Business Informatics. There are no other preliminary courses.

Is there a preliminary course?

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering offers a mathematics pre-course for the degree programmes Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Business Informatics. There are no other preliminary courses.

When is Freshers' Week?

When is Freshers' Week?

The induction week normally takes place at the Eupener Straße 70 campus. Dates and times are published by the student body of the faculty (Fachschaft) 5

Do I have to take part in the Freshers' Week?

Do I have to take part in the Freshers' Week?

There is no obligation to participate.

    When will I receive my semester ticket?

    When will I receive my semester ticket?

    The ticket will be sent out after initial enrolment at the earliest 14 days before the start of the semester. If you register during the current semester, it will be made available within five working days after payment of the full semester fee.

    How do I register for events/do I have to register for events?

    How do I register for events/do I have to register for events?

    You must register for courses online in the Campus Office system. You will not be registered automatically. Deadlines are announced under Dates and deadlines.

    Further information in the FAQ on enrolment

    Is there a semester fee? How much is it? When does it have to be paid?

    Is there a semester fee? How much is it? When does it have to be paid?

    There is a semester fee. The semester fee varies from semester to semester. Previously, the fee was around €275. As soon as the semester fee is due, a reminder email is sent out. As a rule, the fee must be paid by the end of August for the winter semester and by the end of February for the summer semester.

    Do I have to register for written examinations?

    Do I have to register for written examinations?

    Yes, registration for written examinations takes place within certain deadlines in the online Examination Office QIS.
    The registration deadlines are announced under Dates and Deadlines and on the notice boards in Examination Office Room E 030.

    Where do I get my registration certificate?

    Where do I get my registration certificate?

    The registration certificate can be downloaded and printed out via QIS.

    What are ECTS (also known as credit points or credits)?

    What are ECTS (also known as credit points or credits)?

    A certain number of ECTS or credit points are awarded for each achievement during the degree programme. ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. They are intended to make achievements in the individual areas of the degree programme comparable. The number of ECTS also weights the importance of an achievement within the degree programme. The Bachelor's thesis with 12 ECTS therefore accounts for a larger proportion than, for example, a soft skills subject with 2 ECTS.
    How many ECTS you have to achieve in total, when and in which areas can be found in the Examination Regulations

    What are the Examination Regulations and where can I find them?

    What are the Examination Regulations and where can I find them?

    The Examination Regulations are effectively the general terms and conditions of your degree programme and you should definitely read them. They state, for example, how the degree programme works, when and how often you have the opportunity to take exams, which requirements you have to fulfil, how many ECTS points you get for which module and how the Bachelor's thesis is carried out.

    Then there are the framework examination regulations. They regulate how studies and examinations are generally organised for the entire university.

    If there are changes to the Examination Regulations, this only applies to the year groups that begin their studies after the changes come into force. Examination Regulations cannot be amended retrospectively. Therefore, the Examination Regulations that were last published at the start of the student's degree programme always apply.

    Which modules do I have to take and when?

    Which modules do I have to take and when?

    You will find a study schedule in the Examination Regulations for each degree programme. This states which module is planned in which semester. Of course, you can also deviate from this, but then you may need longer to complete your studies because not every subject is offered in the summer and winter semesters. In order to be admitted to the modules of the higher semesters, you must also have already completed sufficient modules from the first two semesters.

    Where can I park on campus?

    Where can I park on campus?

    There are car parks for students on the Eupener Straße campus. They are located to the right of the entrance gate at Eupener Str. 70. You need a parking permit to park here. You can print this out via QIS as soon as you are registered. The parking permit is free of charge and may not be passed on to third parties.

    Students are not allowed to park in the car parks directly in front of the E-building, opposite the H-building or in the underground car park.

    The car parks accessible from Weißhausstraße are not managed by the FH, but by Südpark GmbH. Parking there is tolerated in the marked areas . Anyone parking "wildly" may be towed away without warning.

    Please do not park on or in front of the fire service access roads under any circumstances. Not only will you be towed away immediately, you will also jeopardise everyone's safety in an emergency. The same applies to hydrants. Parking on green spaces, pedestrian paths or on and in building access roads is also not permitted.

    Only vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes may be parked, no attachments and no defective vehicles.

    In the top row of car parks directly to the right of the entrance gate, there are some parking spaces with charging facilities for electric cars.

    Parking is permitted for a maximum of 48 hours. Exceptions must be requested from the building representative, Prof Karl-Josef Lux(

    When parking, please also keep an eye on the building opening hours , as the gate on Eupener Str. is locked after the end of the e-building's opening hours.

    The parking regulations apply to all FH Aachen car parks.

    Where can I eat? How do I pay?

    Where can I eat? How do I pay?

    There are 2 dining halls on the Eupener Straße campus, which are run by Studierendenwerk Aachen.

    One in the main building (E) on the 1st floor directly after the stairs on the right and one in the basement of the annex building opposite the W building near the Weisshaussstraße exit (Mensa Südpark - unfortunately currently closed).

    Outside the opening hours of the dining halls, there is a small cafeteria with vending machines for drinks and sweets in the corridor to the right of the entrance to the dining hall (Mensa) in the E building.

    Information, opening hours and current menus

    To make things quick at the checkout, you can only pay cashless with the FH Karte. The FH Karte is topped up with cash at vending machines. To pay, place it on the card reader at the checkout and the payment amount will be debited automatically. The machine is located in the E-building in the corridor to the left of the entrance to the dining hall (Mensa). Please note: The machine does not give change.
    The card balance can be read on the reader directly to the right after the entrance door to the dining hall (Mensa).
    With the AUTOLOAD procedure, the card can be topped up cashless directly at the cash registers of the dining hall (Mensa) if bank details have been provided beforehand. To do this, go to the checkout staff with your bank card and ID card, preferably outside peak times (mornings or after 2pm).

    Guest cards are available at the tills for guests, which can also be topped up.

    All information on cashless payment in the dining hall (Mensa)

    Where can I print something?

    Where can I print something?

    The faculties provide all students with €10 print credit per semester. You can print (and scan) at the print stations in the Library.
    (in almost all FH Aachen buildings)
    You can upload PDF documents via WLAN to print them at the FH Aachen print stations.

    After logging in, the print credit is displayed. Once it is used up, you can pay for printing in cash to the library staff or by FH card.

    Please note: Important documents where scale and colour accuracy must be 100%, such as your final thesis, are better printed in the copy shop (e.g. AixPress Eupener Str. 35 diagonally opposite the Eupener Straße campus).

    All information in the FAQs of the Library

    Upload area of the printing stations

    Locations of the printing stations:
    Bayernallee Library Room 00111*
    Boxgraben Library Room 02103*
    Eupener Straße* Library in the media room
    Eupener Straße FB 07, R237
    Goethestraße R 03205*, R 01211
    Jülich Library Room A101*
    Jülich Internetcafé Room 00B01
    *With payment stations

    How can I borrow books? How can I find specialised literature online?

    How can I borrow books? How can I find specialised literature online?

    The Library has summarised questions like these in the information for new students.

    The Library's information flyer is also very clear and helpful for new users.