Employer branding
Promote training, secure skilled labour and drive industrial innovation
Would you like to position your company as a potential employer for our graduates and are you interested in employer branding and sponsorship opportunities at the faculty? Does your company have vacancies that you would like to advertise in the job portal or on the faculty's advertising board?
We would be happy to support you in presenting yourself as an attractive employer. With our sponsorship packages, you or your company can become a premium partner of FH Aachen. You choose your focus in the promotion of research projects at FH Aachen or in visibility among the student body. As a sponsor, we put you in the spotlight with the specialists of tomorrow, in public relations work and at our university-wide events. From lecture theatre sponsorship to lecture events and image campaigns - together we will find the right package solution for you and your company.
Have we piqued your interest? Then you will find further information and contact details here.
Jährlich findet in exklusiver Umgebung des Aachener Krönungsssaales die Absolvierendenfeier des Fachbereichs Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik statt.
Unternehmen haben die Möglichkeit sich im feierlichen Rahmen direkt im Kreise der diesjährigen Absolvierenden der Studiengänge Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Elektrotechnik und Media und Communications for Digital Business zu präsentieren.
- Unternehmenspräsentation als attraktiver Arbeitgeber und Partner der FH, mit Rollup, Giveaways etc.
- Anzeige im Absolventenbuch
Kontakt Absolvierendenfeier
© FH Aachen
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Thorsten Ringbeck
Room G 216
52066 Aachen