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Computer science research

Current research projects



Transmission and processing of status and measured variables with various IoT technologies at FH Aachen (Prof. Dr Ing. Gregor Krause)

| www.fh-aachen.de/menschen/krause/iot-projekt/

Mobile life & work: Focus on solutions for the working environment or the leisure sector (e.g. wearables) (Prof. Dr Thomas Ritz)

| http://www.m2c-lab.fh-aachen.de/de/forschungsprojekte/mobiles-leben-arbeiten/index.html

Retail of the future: focus on innovations for retail through the integration of new technologies (Prof. Dr Ing. Thomas Ritz)

| http://www.m2c-lab.fh-aachen.de/de/forschungsprojekte/handel-der-zukunft/index.html


Development of mobility concepts and solutions in the field of (electric) mobility (Prof. Dr Ing. Thomas Ritz)

| http://www.m2c-lab.fh-aachen.de/de/forschungsprojekte/e-mobilitaet/index.html

SHAREuregio (Prof. Dr Thomas Ritz)

| http://www.m2c-lab.fh-aachen.de/de/forschungsprojekte/e-mobilitaet/shareuregio/index.html

Data networks and IT security

IT Security in ICS / SCADA (Prof. Dr rer. nat. Marko Schuba)

| www.fh-aachen.de/menschen/schuba/forschung/

Doctoral candidate project CONSENT (IT security in smart homes and CPS) (Prof. Dr rer. nat. Marko Schuba, Dipl. Ing. Hans Hoefken)

| www.fh-aachen.de/menschen/schuba/forschung/

hacking4 - Efficient communication of IT security knowledge with innovative and scientifically sound training methods (Prof. Dr rer. nat. Marko Schuba)

| https://hacking4.de/

Project GHOST (Gamification for IT Security Awareness) (Prof. Dr Ing. Martin Wolf)

| http://itom.fh-aachen.de/index.php/forschung/ghost

Project SMILE (IT Security for Smart Living Environments) (Prof. Dr Martin Wolf, Prof. Dr Thomas Ritz)

| http://www.m2c-lab.fh-aachen.de/de/forschungsprojekte/mobiles-leben-arbeiten/smile/index.html

ERBSE - Enable Risk-aware Behaviour to Secure End-users (Prof. Dr Ing. Martin Wolf)

| https://nerd.nrw/forschungstandems/erbse/

Leadership in the IT environment

Management as complex problem solving (Prof. Dr Thomas Siepmann)

| http://www.business-zen.com/
| www.siepmann.fh-aachen.de

3D visualisation

3D Body Scanner/ HD-ToF-Bodyscanner (Prof. Dr Thorsten Ringbeck, Prof. Dr Alexander Ferrein, Prof. Dipl. Ing. Ingrid Scholl)

| http://www.robotics.fh-aachen.de/projects/BodyScanner/

3D cartography (Prof. Dr rer. nat. Alexander Ferrein, Prof. Dipl. Ing. Ingrid Scholl)

| www.fh-aachen.de/scholl/forschung/

GPUFaserVis - GPU-based 3D visualisation of nerve fibre tracts of the human brain (Prof. Dipl. Ing. Ingrid Scholl)

| www.fh-aachen.de/scholl/forschung/

Visualisation and VR

MedicVR: Real-time surface reconstruction and visualisation in virtual reality using HTC Vive glasses (Prof. Dipl. Ing. Ingrid Scholl, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Ferrein, Prof. Dr. Ing. Michael Reke)

| http://www.medicvr.de

ReVolVR - Rendering of volume data in virtual reality with the HTC Vive (Prof. Dipl. Ing. Ingrid Scholl, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Ferrein)


UPNS4D+ - Underground 4D+ positioning, navigation and mapping system for the highly selective, efficient and extremely safe extraction of economically strategic raw materials. (Prof. Dr rer. nat. Alexander Ferrein)

| http://maskor.fh-aachen.de/projects/UPNS4D+/

SMART - Scanning, Monitoring, Analysing Repair and Transportation: Development of a climbing maintenance platform for wind turbines. (Prof. Dr rer. nat. Alexander Ferrein)

| http://maskor.fh-aachen.de/projects/SMART/

ROSIN - ROS-Industrial quality-assured robot software components (Prof. Dr rer. nat. Alexander Ferrein)

| http://maskor.fh-aachen.de/projects/ROSIN/

MQOne - Low-Cost Design for a Rugged-Terrain Robot Platform (Prof. Dr rer. nat. Alexander Ferrein)

| http://maskor.fh-aachen.de/projects/MQOne/

ConTrAkt - Constraint-based transformation of abstract action plans into executable actions of autonomous robots. (Prof. Dr rer. nat. Alexander Ferrein)

| http://maskor.fh-aachen.de/projects/ConTrAkt/

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