Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

V.1 | Transfer

Accompany. Advise. Initiate. Mediate.

The Innovation Transfer supports and accompanies you in joint cooperations, projects and events in the Euregio and beyond.

Head of Section

Photo  Dr.-Ing. Johannes Mandelartz

Dr.-Ing. Johannes Mandelartz

University function

Dezernent Innovationstransfer (IVT)
Eupener Straße 70 | Gebäude B
Room B219
52066 Aachen

General Enquiries


  • (inter-)regional mediation of contacts between politics, business and science, as well as with the actors of our cooperating partners from municipalities, chambers and associations
  • Supporting existing networks and establishing new connections
  • Organisation of information events (e.g. company breakfasts)
  • Liaison to the university, to the experts of our institutes, faculties as well as to the FH Aachen Start-up Centre
  • Interface to the GründerRegion Aachen

Coordinator Transfer | Business | Networks

Photo  Silke Treimer

Silke Treimer

University function
Koordinatorin Transfer | Unternehmen | Netzwerke | FairTrade
Eupener Straße 70 | Gebäude B | 2. Etage
Room B223
52066 Aachen

Coordination of Innovation Transfer and Study Guidance for East Belgium

Photo Dipl.-Kff. Nina Pielen

Nina Pielen

University function
Studienberaterin | IVT
Eupener Straße 70
Room B 223
52066 Aachen

Inventions and Patents

Researchers and members of FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences have the opportunity to talk to our PatentScout in person about ideas or invention processes and to obtain information. In confidential discussions, ideas or project situations are gathered and directed towards optimal exploitation. We advise you on project utilisation, inventions and applications for industrial property rights (patents, trademarks and designs).

Photo Dr. rer. medic. Kira Rentmeister

Dr. rer. medic.
Kira Rentmeister

University function

Innovations- und PatentScout
Eupener Straße 70 | Gebäude B
Room B222
52066 Aachen