General recommendations
The BSI presents information on a comprehensive hardening concept for Windows 10 on its website. The concept was developed as part of the study "SiSyPHuS Win10: Study on system structure, logging, hardening and security functions in Windows 10" (see /Service-Navi/Publikationen/Studien/SiSyPHuS_Win10/SiSyPHuS.html)(external link).
The "Recommendation for hardening Windows 10 with on-board resources" from the documentation of the study is stored here. The recommendations for hardening Windows 10 summarised in the document relate to three typical deployment scenarios and are aimed at advanced users and administrators.
Recommendation for hardening Windows 10 with on-board resources
The Information Security Working Group of German Research Institutions (AKIF) provides the document "Guidance on the low-data configuration of Windows 10".