Mehrere Ausgaben des Hochschulmagazins "Dimensionen"
Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.


The Department of Public Relations and Marketing is your contact when it comes to university-wide publications. We are happy to assist you with your projects. You can download some of the most important products on this page.

Dimensionen (Kopie 1)

In dem zweimal jährlich erscheinenden Hochschulmagazin "DIMENSIONEN" berichten wir über aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse, über hochschulpolitisch interessante Neuigkeiten und über das Studium an der FH Aachen. Einfach reinklicken und über die aktuellsten Ereignisse informieren oder in den vergangenen Ausgaben schmökern!  |  Zu den Ausgaben

To the downloads

Position - Rectorate Report

The reports of the Rectorate summarise the most important developments, events and statistics concerning FH Aachen in a clear form.

Report of the Rectorate to download

University Development Plan

The Higher Education Development Plan (HEP) contains the main results of various workshops and strategic goals that were developed with the university management, numerous university institutions and the faculties. In the meantime, the second HEP is available, which in turn is being continuously developed further by all those involved in numerous working groups.

To the Higher Education Development Plan

Special publications

Anniversary publication "50 Stories

In this publication we have compiled 50 stories from five decades of FH Aachen for you. We would like to invite you to go on a journey through time together. Reminisce with us about the early years, when the newly founded university was struggling to find its self-image; get to know successful graduates who have made their way; discover projects from teaching and research with which we continue to make FH Aachen a little better every day.

Publication for download

You can also read all the stories on our anniversary page on the internet.

The Cathedral and I

It has been 40 years since Aachen Cathedral became the first German building to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. To mark the occasion, we have produced a publication in which our graduate Helmut Maintz takes us on a tour of the cathedral and some Aacheners take us to their favourite places in and around the cathedral. The publication is available free of charge in the cathedral shop, at the cathedral information desk and from the press office of the FH Aachen.

Download brochure (7 MB)

Rudolf Schwarz and the Aachen School of Crafts and Applied Arts

Rudolf Schwarz was a successful architect, but from 1927 to 1934 he was also the director of the Aachen School of Crafts and Applied Arts, an institution that was a forerunner of the Faculty of Design at the FH Aachen. Someone who taught, planned and built with all his heart, someone who helped to establish a completely new, unadorned formal language. Buildings that still have something to say to the viewer almost a hundred years later, words made of stone, thoughts that are important today. So what could be more obvious than to take a closer look? What did Rudolf Schwarz leave behind in Aachen, how did he shape the School of Crafts and Applied Arts and its successor institutions, what kind of personality was he? In what time did Schwarz live, what shaped the people he worked with and for whom he built?

Download brochure (7 MB)