Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

University Elections

The academic elections

All members of FH Aachen can participate in the organisation of academic self-administration through elections. This allows you to influence the people who represent the interests of your respective status groups in the legislature. The academic elections include the following committees, in which all four groups of people at the university are represented:

  • Senate (every 4 years; students elect their representatives annually)
  • Faculty Councils of the ten faculties (every 4 years; the students elect their representatives annually)

The students also elect the following interest groups, which are made up exclusively of students:

  • Council ofStudent Assistants (SHK Council) (every 2 years)

Further information, in particular on the student elections compared to the academic elections, can be found on this homepage and the subpages.

The most important facts in brief

Contact persons

The subject area SG II.1 - Academic Affairs is always available to answer questions and receive suggestions. You can reach the election management at any time at wahlenfh-aachen.de

Contact election management

When are the next elections due?

The elections take place regularly in May/June. The exact election period will be announced in good time. All information on the special election year will then be published on a subpage.

Help shape the university!

Universities are the most democratic organisation in the public sector. This is reflected in the large number of committees to be elected and established.

There are various opportunities for participation at both central and decentralised level.

In addition to the electoral bodies, there are also (advisory) commissions and committees. You are welcome to get involved there too!

The Senate in detail

The Senate is the legislative body of the university. In turn, it elects further committees to advise it or carry out individual areas of responsibility. In addition to the Senate committees, it also elects the

  • Representatives of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses

A call for applications is published every two years for all UAS members.

Further information about the Senate, such as meeting dates and past submissions, is also published on the homepage.

The parity requirement

  • All four status groups must be represented in the Senate and the Faculty Councils. The number of respective seats is determined by the basic regulations of FH Aachen.
  • Committees must have equal representation. Parity refers to the committee as such and not to the members of the groups represented on it. When drawing up lists and candidates for election committees, equal representation should be taken into account.
  • You are also welcome to contact the Equal Opportunity Officer of FH Aachen in this regard.

Student committees and student elections

The student body also has its own self-administration. As a result, the student body can make its own decisions within the scope of its responsibilities, implement them and, in particular, manage its own finances. The Rectorate is only responsible for the final legal supervision.
The student committees are thus the reflection of the Senate and Faculty Councils at student body level. In the academic elections, students sit on the respective committees together with the other status groups; only students are represented on the student committees. In addition, there is the Students' Union Executive Committee (AStA) as the executive body.
The student elections to the student bodies (Student Parliament and Faculty Student Councils) are organised by the AStA. These often take place in the same period as the academic elections, but are not related to them in terms of content. Information on the elections to the Student Parliament and the Faculty Student Councils can be found on the pages of the AStA of FH Aachen.

WE are looking for you!

Shape the future!

We would like to expressly encourage you to stand for election.

Contribute your perspective and your interests, accompany decision-making processes and help us to create a co-operative, productive and equal university environment. Take your chance now to help shape the future of the university!

We believe that equal representation on all FH Aachen committees is essential. Therefore, female or diverse persons in particular should be called upon to stand for election!

Contact Equal Opportunity Officer

Photo  Stephanie Over

Stephanie Over

Personalrat und Gruppenvertretungen - Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
University function
Eupener Str. 70
Room C16
52066 Aachen