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Research & Publishing

The possibilities of scientific publishing have become more diverse in the course of digitalisation in science. We support you in all aspects of open access publications.

Open Access

Open Access offers society free access to scientific literature. Publications are published digitally and can be made permanently accessible to all interested parties without financial, technical or legal barriers. In this way, Open Access supports scientific exchange and the visibility of research results. It ensures that the results of publicly funded research are available and re-usable by society.


For more information on the topic of Open Access, please see:

University Bibliography (OPUS)

Your publications are recorded in the university bibliography. The meta data are recorded according to bibliographic standards and are searchable via library catalogues and search engines. This improves the dissemination of your research and teaching achievements and increases visibility. The publication lists can be integrated into your personal website.

Please report new publications via form (individual publications) or informally via email (publication list) to our OPUS team opusbibliothek.fh-aachen.de.

Repository for OA Publications (OPUS)

The library offers all members of FH Aachen the opportunity to publish qualified scientific full-text documents online free of charge ("Open Access") on the publication server OPUS.

The documents are recorded bibliographically according to international standards. The full texts stored on OPUS are given the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for long-term archiving and are, thereby, made available on a long-term basis.

The supervisor's consent is required for the publication of student papers.

Please submit new publications via the form (individual publications) or informally via email (publication list) to our OPUS team opusbibliothek.fh-aachen.de.

If you would like to publish the full text of your publication in OPUS, please attach a completed and signed author contract.

Support services for Open Access publications at FH Aachen

The publication of scientific articles in open access journals is becoming increasingly important in the course of digitalisation in science. The proportion of freely accessible publications in Germany already accounts for more than 57% of all publications in the last 4 years. (Source: Open Access Monitor, as of 02/02/2023). Free access to scientific knowledge for all is intended to break down payment barriers and make scientific publishing more open. This is supported by the German Council of Science and Humanities, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and numerous research funding organisations, among others.

The library currently finances open access publications with the publishers Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley as part of the DEAL contracts and in the PLOS journals.

The Vice Rectorate for Research, Innovation and Transfer funds open access publications with publishers that are not covered by the library. Applications can be made for partial funding of Open Access publication fees up to a maximum of €1,000.



  • until 31.12.2026

Read access

  • For all FH members to the entire content, except the books segment.


  • The FH Aachen library has joined the new ACM Open licence model for the years 2024 to 2026. This enables authors of FH Aachen to publish their scientific articles in ACM Journals and Proceedings without additional costs.

Journal list

DEAL Springer


  • until 31.12.2028

Reading access

  • For all UAS members to almost the entire Springer Nature journal portfolio (more than 2,200 hybrid journals and more than 400 pure Open Access journals).


  • FH Aachen is a participant in the current degrees. The participating institutions pay a so-called PAR fee (Publish and Read Fee) according to the paper charge model based on the publication figures. In addition to the associated reading rights to the publishers' journal portfolios, FH Aachen authors can publish in the publishers' Gold/Full Open Access or hybrid Open Access journals. In 2024, the University Library will cover the costs centrally.

General conditions for publishing

  1. You are a corresponding author.
  2. You have specified FH Aachen as your affiliation. When specifying your affiliation, it is important that it is clear whether you are publishing as a member of FH Aachen or as a member of a research institution, for example, to ensure that a publication is not funded by two institutions.
  3. As soon as an article by an FH member has been accepted and is about to be finalised, the Library will receive a message to confirm the affiliation with FH Aachen and thus the authorisation.

Journal list

Previously funded publications

FH Aachen Publication Fund Research

Eligible articles

  • Primary research results or reviews (usually publication type "Research Article" or "Review"). Editorials, reviews, commentaries, etc. are not eligible for funding.
  • Scientifically peer-reviewed articles that appear in open access journals (Gold Open Access)
  • Scientifically peer-reviewed articles that appear in closed access journals but can be transferred to open access for an additional charge (hybrid journals)

Framework conditions for funding

  1. Publication under the Library's existing transformation contracts (ACM, DEAL, PLOS) is not suitable.
  2. The applicant is employed at FH Aachen at the time of submission of the manuscript and is responsible for paying the publication fees as "submitting author" or "corresponding author".
  3. The journal must be quality assured ("peer reviewed") and have an impact factor greater than 1.
  4. The article has undergone a proper peer review process and has been accepted by the publisher.
  5. Publication must be under a licence that provides legal certainty for subsequent use. The currently valid Creative Commons licences (CC-BY or CC-BY-SA) are recommended.
  6. Funded publications must be made available on the FH Aachen's institutional publication server (OPUS).
  7. An application for renewed funding can only be submitted once the funded publication has been published.

Application form

Previously funded publications

DEAL Elsevier


  • until 31.12.2028

Reading access

  • For all FH members to almost the entire Elsevier journal portfolio including the Cell Press and The Lancet range of titles.


  • FH Aachen is a participant in the current degrees. The participating institutions pay a so-called PAR fee (Publish and Read Fee) according to the paper charge model based on publication figures. In addition to the associated reading rights to the publishers' journal portfolios, FH Aachen authors can publish in the publishers' Gold/Full Open Access or hybrid Open Access journals. In 2024, the University Library will cover the costs centrally.

General conditions for publishing

  1. You are a corresponding author.
  2. You have specified FH Aachen as your affiliation. When specifying your affiliation, it is important that it is clear whether you are publishing as a member of FH Aachen or as a member of a research institution, for example, to ensure that a publication is not funded by two institutions.
  3. As soon as an article by an FH member has been accepted and is about to be finalised, the Library will receive a message to confirm the affiliation with FH Aachen and thus the authorisation.

Journal list

Previously funded publications


DEAL Wiley


  • until 31.12.2028

Reading access

  • For all UAS members to almost all journal titles published by Wiley (currently approx. 1,900 journal titles).


  • FH Aachen is a participant in the current degrees. The participating institutions pay a so-called PAR fee (Publish and Read Fee) according to the paper charge model on the basis of publication figures. In addition to the associated reading rights to the publishers' journal portfolios, FH Aachen authors can publish in the publishers' Gold/Full Open Access or hybrid Open Access journals. In 2024, the University Library will cover the costs centrally.

General conditions for publishing

  1. You are a corresponding author.
  2. You have specified FH Aachen as your affiliation. When specifying your affiliation, it is important that it is clear whether you are publishing as a member of FH Aachen or as a member of a research institution, for example, to ensure that a publication is not funded by two institutions.
  3. As soon as an article by an FH member has been accepted and is about to be finalised, the Library will receive a message to confirm the affiliation with FH Aachen and thus the authorisation.

Journal list

Previously funded publications



  • until 31.12.2024

Reading access

  • to the entire PLOS journal portfolio.


  • From 2023, the Library will participate in the consortium between PLOS and the Hanover Technical Information Library. This will allow researchers at FH Aachen to publish an unlimited number of scientific articles free of charge in the journals of the non-profit US publisher PLOS. The portfolio primarily covers the natural and life sciences.

Journal list

Previously funded publications

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External Users