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Interne und externe Unterstützungsprogramme für Doktorand:innen

Funding of doctoral costs via the FH Aachen doctoral programme

Financial support during your doctoral project
FH Aachen supports its doctoral candidates financially by subsidising congress trips, poster presentations, publication costs and the like. In exceptional cases, there is the possibility of bridging funding. The funding application must be submitted using the following form via[email protected]. Application form / criteriafor funding


Programme for the promotion of early career researchers at FH Aachen
In 2019, FH Aachen supported outstanding graduates with the programme for the promotion of early career researchers. More than 30 doctorates were supported through the programme. In 2014, seven doctorates were already funded through the FH Aachen programme. Please note that no new applications are currently being accepted for the programme. Information on the programme can be found here:
Programme for the promotion of early career researchers at FH Aachen

Publication Fund Research

Publication fund

For many years, the Library has offered to make first or second publications freely accessible on the university's own publication server OPUS. It also finances open access publications in the publishers Springer Nature, Wiley and PLOS.

The Vice Rectorate for Research, Innovation and Transfer can apply for partial funding of open access publication fees of up to €1,000 for open access publications with publishers that are not covered by the Library. The aim is to increase publication output.

Information and the application form can be found on the Library 's website.

HAW.International: Congress and trade fair trips - DAAD

HAW.International: Congress and trade fair trips - DAAD

Programme objective

The programme promotes the active participation of members of German universities of applied sciences (HAWs) and universities of applied sciences (FHs) in international scientific congresses and conferences as well as international trade fairs (face-to-face and online).
Online and face-to-face participation is funded, insofar as the development of the pandemic situation permits.

External doctoral/research scholarships

In addition to funding through a position at a university or in industry, it is also possible to apply for doctoral or research scholarships. The advantage of scholarships is the focus on the doctorate and the research project during the usually three-year term. There are 13 funding organisations in Germany that award scholarships to students and doctorates.

On the IVT (Innovation Transfer Division) website you will find fact sheets on the promotion of young researchers (downloads/log-in required).

On the following pages of the 13 scholarship providers with doctoral programmes you will find information on funding opportunities, award criteria and programmes. The programmes differ in their focus, so you should choose a funding organisation that suits you individually.

  1. Cusanuswerk e. V.
  2. Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk
  3. Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst
  4. Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
  5. Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSS)
  6. Konrad Adenauer Foundation
  7. Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
  8. Foundation of the German Economy
  9. Avicenna Study Foundation
  10. Study Foundation of the German People
  11. Heinrich Böll Foundation
  12. Friedrich Ebert Foundation
  13. Hans Böckler Foundation

Links to further overviews of scholarship programmes in Germany


Joint information event organised by the HAWs NRW and the Doctoral College NRW "Scholarships - Strong networks and funding for cooperative doctorates"

Scholarship Information Day of the HAW NRW

About once a year, the doctoral centres of the universities of applied sciences (HAW) in NRW offer a jointly organised scholarship information event at which the funding organisations present themselves and individual questions can be clarified.

The next event is currently being planned and is expected to take place in autumn 2023. Information will be available in due course here and under Current Dates.


Domestic funding opportunities

DFG Scientific Career | Funding within a Project

ELFI Service Point for ELectronic Research Funding Information

Doctoral scholarship: Overview of scholarship providers