Areas of Future Employment
The ubiquitous and increasing trend towards new products with integrated mechanical and electrical functions leads to a high demand for mechatronics engineers with substantial know-how in both, mechanical and electrical engineering as well as their integration.
Graduates of the Master program in Mechatronics are provided a broad range of job opportunities. In Germany most of the 5000 mechanical engineering companies by now employ mechatronic concepts in their products. Mechatronic engineers can be found in a variety of functions such as product development, production and fabrication technology, assembly automation, quality control and technical sales.
Mechatronic engineers presently have outstanding career chances. According to all German and European industrial and engineering associations the demand for well-educated and application oriented mechatronics engineers will continue to steadily rise in the future. Since the expected number of graduates in this field is much lower than the industrial needs the professional chances for mechatronics engineers are predicted to remain excellent in the years to come.