3-semester study variant Mechatronics (M.Sc.)

Studying the Master's degree in Mechatronics M.Sc. in 3 Semesters

Students who have already completed a seven-semester Mechatronics Bachelor's degree (such as at FH Aachen) and have acquired the basic knowledge necessary for the Master's degree can skip the adaptation semester and, as a result, complete their Mechatronics Master's degree in a standard period of study of 3 semesters. All applicants will, however, be assessed as to whether the contents of the Mechatronics Bachelor's degree are sufficient for admission to the three-semester Mechatronics Master's degree or whether an adaptation semester is required, resulting in a standard period of study of 4 semesters.


Degree Programme Mechatronics M.Sc. (3 semesters)

Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics
Location of Study
Start of Studies
each winter semester and summer semester
Prescribed Period of Study

3 semesters

Credit Points


Teaching Language
Access Requirements

Professional qualification is a prerequisite for admission.


directly to FH Aachen

Possible postgraduate Master's Programmes at the FH Aachen


Study Contents (3 Semesters)

Mechatronics Master of Science (M.Sc.)
lt. Prüfungsordnung Nr. 94 / 2022

1. bis 3. Semester

Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
81617 Systems Engineering P 10 3 1 3 0 7 E
81618 Autonomous Mobile Robotic Systems P 5 2 1 1 0 4 E
Mechatronics Projekt (Teil 1) W 4 - - - 2 2 E/D
Wahlpflichtblock 1 W 10 - - - - 0 E/D
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
81621 Mechatronic System Simulation P 10 0 0 0 6 6 E
81622 Advanced Motion Control P 5 2 1 1 0 4 E
81623 Sensors and Actuators P 6 2 1 3 0 6 E
Mechatronics Projekt (Teil 2) W 2 - - - 1 1 E/D
Wahlpflichtblock 2 W 8 - - - - 0 E/D
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
Masterarbeit P 27 0 0 0 0 0 E/D
Kolloquium P 3 0 0 0 0 0 E/D
Abkürzungen: V = Vorlesung, Ü = Übung, P = Praktikum, S = Seminar, seminaristischer Unterricht
P/W = Pflichtmodul/Wahlmodul, SWS = Semesterwochenstunden

Bem = Bemerkung zur Sprache der Lehrveranstaltung (E = in Englisch, D = in Deutsch, E/D = in Englisch oder Deutsch

Explanatory Note:

*Graduates of a Bachelor's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering take the module "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering", graduates of a Bachelor's degree programme in Electrical Engineering take the module "Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering", while graduates of a Bachelor's degree programme in Mechatronics take the compulsory elective block 1.

**A compulsory elective block consists of compulsory elective modules of at least 8 CP or 10 CP.

The following applies to students of the 3-semester Master's degree programme:
Students must select compulsory elective modules totalling at least 18 CP.

Admission and Examination Regulations for the 3-semester Degree Programme

Examination Regulations (PO) Master's degree programme Mechatronics (three semesters)

Short description:

Examination Regulations (PO) for the three-semester Master's degree programme "Mechatronics
This record was last edited at 31.05.2023

Prüfungsordnung (PO) Masterstudiengang Mechatronics (dreisemestrig) | Lesbare Fassung

Short description:

Prüfungsordnung (PO) für den dreisemestrigen Masterstudiengang „Mechatronics“ in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung der Änderungsordnung vom 26.02.2021 – FH-Mitteilung Nr. 14/2021 (Nichtamtliche lesbare Fassung)
This record was last edited at 01.03.2021
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Admission Regulations Master's degree programme Mechatronics (three semesters) | Readable version

Short description:

Admission Regulations for the three-semester Master's degree programme "Mechatronics" in the version of the announcement of the amendment regulations dated 16.05.2018 - FH-Mitteilung No. 56/2018 (Unofficial readable version)
This record was last edited at 31.05.2023
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