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Media and Communications for Digital Business B.Sc.

New Digital Innovation and Business degree programme replaces MCD

from WS 2023/24

MCD prospective students: The digital transformation is progressing rapidly. In order to take this into account, the objectives of the degree programme are to be geared even more consistently towards the skills required by graduates in the digital economy. For this reason, the MCD degree programme will be replaced by the Digital Innovation and Business degree programme from the coming winter semester (starting in 2023).

Which programme content will remain and which will be adapted is clearly presented here.

Questions can be answered by the Academic Counselling Service for MCD & DIB


Welcome to the degree programme Media and Communications for Digital Business

The future of digital business. MCD | Few areas are developing as fast as the world of digital business. Hardly any profession is conceivable without digital media. We train students on the MCD degree programme for this profession, in which tomorrow is already yesterday.

A unique combination. MCD | Media and Communications for Digital Business - the combination makes the difference! With our degree programme, we train you to become methodically and conceptually strong personalities with specialist knowledge in technology, communication and management.

Degree Programme Media and Communications for Digital Business B.Sc

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Location of Study
Start of Studies
each winter semester
Admission Restriction


Prescribed Period of Study

6 semesters

Credit Points


Teaching Language

no more application possible

Brochure MCD B. Sc.

Broschüre Digital Innovation and Business (DIB)

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Aufhebung der Prüfungsordnung (PO) Media and Communications for Digital Business

Short description:

Ordnung zur Aufhebung der Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelorstudiengänge „Media and Communications for Digital Business“ und „Media and Communications for Digital Business mit Praxissemester“ vom 5. Februar 2015 (FH-Mitteilung Nr. 12/2015) zuletzt geändert durch Ordnung vom 5. Juli 2018 (FH-Mitteilung Nr. 109/2018)
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Elective modules and specialisations, practical or semester abroad

Personal specialisations and 2 seven-semester options leading to a Master's degree


practical semester

practical semester

semester abroad

semester abroad

Film Media and Communications for Digital Business

Project work by students in the fourth semester of the predecessor degree programme "Communication and Multimedia Design (CMD)"

Impressions of the MCD degree programme


Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and Information Technology

Eupener Straße 70
52066 Aachen

The Academic Counsellor will help you with questions about the content of your studies or organisational issues during your studies. Please contact the Student Service Centre if you have any questions regarding application, registration, re-registration, deregistration, FH Karte or student life.

Information on transferring to another university or changing degree programmes within FH Aachen can be found at the following link: Information on changing universities. The contact person is the Chairperson of the Examination Board.

Academic Counsellor MCD & DIB

Photo  Christian Kaiser M.A.

Christian Kaiser M.A. Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter

Fachbereich 5 - Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Teaching Subject
Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften
Eupener Str. 70
Room H111, H115
52066 Aachen
Consultation Hours
Fachstudienberatung: Fr. 13-14 Uhr (Anmeldung notwendig)
further Links
Schedule of Events
Photo Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Siepmann

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Thomas Siepmann Professor

Fachbereich 5 - Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

Teaching Subject

Grundlagen der Informatik und Computer Aided Engineering
Eupener Str. 70
Room E 341
52066 Aachen

Consultation Hours

further Links

Schedule of Events
List of Publications