Study Contents

The first semester focuses on laying a solid foundation in basic nuclear science and the principles of radiation detection. Since we accept students from a wide range of disciplines and countries, we offer additional courses (electives) so that students can fill gaps in their knowledge of relevant subjects.

In the second and third semesters, basic knowledge is expanded, e.g. in courses on nuclear physics, nuclear chemistry or medical applications. Alongside this general knowledge, students can also choose their specialisation: nuclear technologies, medical physics, nuclear waste disposal and nuclear chemistry. In highly intensive theoretical and practical courses, provided by experts from industry and research, students gain fundamental knowledge, learn about procedures and guidelines, and apply them to practical problems.

Lastly, students have two extensive study projects that can be completed in our own laboratories or as practical training in the facilities of our research and industry partners.

The programme is rounded off by courses aimed at acquiring additional skills, such as the application and use of nuclear simulation technologies, writing and presentation techniques, or ethics.

Nuclear Applications
Master of Science (M.Sc.)

1st-4th semester

1st semester
Name of module P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
310330 Fundamentals of Nuclear Science C 5 2 2 4
310220 Radiation Detection C 5 2 1 1 4
310340 Fundamental Skills 1 C 5 3 1 4
320070 Fundamental Skills 2 C 5 3 2 5
310350 Applied Data Analysis C 5 3 2 5
320220 Elective * C 5 4 4
2nd semester
Name of module P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
320180 Nuclear Chemistry C 5 2 2 4
320210 Nuclear Physics C 5 2 1 1 4
320050 Nuclear Applications 1 C 5 4 4
320060 Nuclear Applications 2 C 5 4 4
Focus Field E 10 4 4
3rd semester
Name of module P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
330050 Scientific Skills C 5 4 4
330060 Modelling and Simulation C 5 2 2 4
330210 Project Nuclear Applications (2 Months) E 10 0
Focus Field E 10 0
4th semester
Name of module P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
Master Thesis C 30 0
Abbreviations: T = Lecture, P = Problem Session, Lab = Laboratory, S = Seminar; C = Compulsory, E = Elective, SWS = Contact hours per week; * Elective: Fundamentals of Nuclear Chemistry or Cell Biology

Module Handbook