Studierende im Kleingruppenseminar mit Professor
Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Vehicle and Drive Technology B.Eng.

Shaping the future

Mobility, transport and efficient traffic are pillars of the globalised world we enjoy today. In order to maintain this in harmony with the environment and sustainability, technical ingenuity and, above all, new, forward-looking technologies are required.

The Vehicle and Drive Technology degree programme at FH Aachen therefore focuses on a deep understanding of current and proven technology, alternative drives and fuels, as well as learning practical tools for implementing new ideas. This is how we train students for the important technical solutions of tomorrow.

Information at a glance

Degree Programme Automotive and Drive Engineering B.Eng.

Aerospace Engineering
Location of Study
Start of Studies
each winter semester
Prescribed Period of Study

7 semesters

Credit Points


Teaching Language

directly to FH Aachen

All information about the degree programme

Career fields and experience
Course content
Application and admission
Practical and study projects


Study abroad

Insights into the study programme

Learn - Apply - Research

Information about studying

The degree programme consists of more than just learning. During your studies, we offer you many opportunities to get involved and think outside the box.

  • Excursions with in-depth insights
  • Exciting events such as expert panels, specialist conferences or entire modules with lecture series etc.
  • Student projects
  • Research projects
  • Laboratory internships in well-equipped laboratories
  • Involvement in our student body of the faculty (Fachschaft)

Head of degree programme

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Thilo Röth Professor

Boxgraben 100
Room 00205
52064 Aachen
Consultation Hours
Donnerstag, 08:45 - 09:45 Uhr

Team Bachelorkoordination

General contacts

Faculty Administrative Office

Daniela Menßen
T +49. 241. 6009 52410

Office hours:
Mon - Thu: 9 am - 12 noon

Registrar's Office

[email protected]
+49. 241. 6009 51616

Bayernallee 11
52066 Aachen