Hauptgebäude der FH Aachen

Differences FH vs. Uni

Higher education institutions in Germany are usually divided into two types of higher education institutions: Universities of Applied Sciences (or Fachhochschulen) and universities. There are many similarities, but also important differences. On this page, we have summarised the key points for you.


Range of Studies Offered

Universities offer a wide and diverse range of studies. Universities of applied sciences usually have a smaller and often more specific range of studies, and their degree programmes are characterised by a practical orientation and practical relevance. Some degree programmes and fields of study can only be pursued at universities, such as law, medicine or the humanities. Degree programmes in the fields of social sciences, engineering science or business studies can usually also be found at universities of applied sciences.

Universities are large institutions of higher education with a student body of up to 50,000 students. Universities of applied sciences, on the other hand, have a smaller student body of up to 15,000 students. However, the number of students in the individual degree programmes often varies greatly. At each university, there are degree programmes that have a larger cohort of students in one year and those that have only a modest number of students.


The degrees at universities of applied sciences, such as FH Aachen, and universities are equivalent. Students can obtain a Bachelor's and Master's degree with different specialisations at both types of higher education institution. It is also possible to switch between these two types of higher education institutions.


Admission Requirements

In order to study at a university, you generally need the Allgemeine Hochschulreife (Abitur). At a university of applied sciences, the minimum requirement is the Fachhochschulreife (Fachabitur). In certain cases, you can start studying with a vocational qualification.