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Development of a demonstration model of a rotational atherectomy system

The rotational atherectomy procedure offers a fast and efficient treatment method with regard to stenoses of the vascular system.

Atherectomy is a minimally invasive procedure in which coronary and peripheral arterial occlusions are treated mechanically with minimal surgical effort. This includes the removal of plaque and calcium deposits that can occur in the context of vascular disease. "Mechanical treatment" in this case defines the dilatation (widening) of the vessel lumen without damaging the vessel wall through overstretching or injury [01-03].

Compared to balloon angioplasty, rotational atherectomy is a procedure that puts less stress on the vessel wall. Here, the occlusion material is "milled out" and not compressed against the vessel wall [04].

In the project funded by the Senate Commission for Studies and Teaching (K1), the students have now developed a demonstration model of a jetstream rotational atherectomy system.

The interdisciplinary approach of the project was interesting, as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and physiological issues had to be dealt with.

The demonstration model focuses on visualising the treatment method, with students learning about the structure and functions of the catheter system. Individual groups of students worked on the tasks in the various processing areas and, in consultation with each other, created a concept for the development of the model, which then formed the basis for practical implementation. With regard to the model, questions about flow behaviour within the vascular system with regard to stenoses and the necessity of biocompatibility of such medical devices could be discussed.

The demonstration model serves the purpose of demonstration in courses and practical trainings. In addition, the system can be continued in the future as part of student final theses and mini-projects.

The students developed a model of the drill head (see fig. orange component) with the help of CAD and a 3D printer. The catheter (see fig. plexiglass tube) was manufactured with the support of the Mechanical Workshop at FH Aachen/Campus Jülich.

  • left: Original drill head
  • centre: Model drill head, version 1 (symmetrical), incl. profile cut
  • Right: Model drill head, final version with cutting edge and worm shape for discharging the loosened particles, incl. profile cut

Within the scope of the student project, a functional demonstration model of a rotational atherectomy system could be developed. One of the focal points was the visualisation of the treatment method, for which a suitable scale of 20:1 was chosen for the model. The structure and functions of the catheter system can thus be analysed in detail. The cooperation of the students among each other was promoted by the project, which was finally also evident in the assembly of the various components of the model, which are optimally coordinated with each other. However, there is still a need for optimisation with regard to the replacement material for the stenosis.

The demonstration model is to be used in the courses and lectures as early as next semester. Instructions for using the model in practical training are still being worked on. Flow investigations with the help of the PIV system (Particle Image Velocimetry) available in the laboratory are also planned in order to improve the flushing system, i.e. the outflow of the dissolved particles.

Video of the demonstration model of a rotational atherectomy system


[1] (2016) Percutaneous mechanical atherectomy for the treatment of peripheral arterial disease. www.springermedizin.de/perkutane- mechanical-atherectomy-for-the-treatment-of-peripheral/8070018?fulltextView=true. Accessed 09 Feb 2020

[2] (2020) Atherectomy: a cleaner for the arteries. www.kardionet.de/atherektomie/. Accessed 10 Feb 2020

[3] DocCheck Medical Services GmbH (2020) Dilation - DocCheck Flexikon. flexikon.doccheck.com/en/Dilatation. Accessed 10 Feb 2020

[4] Lecture Rotablator (2019) Boston Scientific


Supervising Professor

Behbahani, Mehdi, Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Teaching Subject: Biomaterial
Fachbereich 9 - Medizintechnik und Technomathematik
Institute - Institut für Bioengineering (IFB)

Room 01E12

Supervising engineer

Supervising engineer

Gatzweiler, Karl-Heinz, Dipl.-Ing.

Teaching Subject: Kardiotechnik / Biomechanik / Biomaterial / Finite Elemente
Photo Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Gatzweiler
Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter
Fachbereich 9 - Medizintechnik und Technomathematik
Institute - Institut für Bioengineering (IFB)
Heinrich-Mußmann-Straße 1
Room Büro 01E09
52428 Jülich

Student Project Leaders

Melissa Rasiah
Marcel Spiertz

Deputy student project leader

Patrick Hannak

Student employees

Smit Nandu
Insaf Issoul

Further information

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Senate Commission for Studies and Teaching (K1)