Die Groundstation der FH Aachen
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STAR TRACK - Satellite Advanced Virtual TrackingSystem

The STAR TRACK student project is based at the FH Aachen Space Operations Facility (FHASOF) at Faculty 6 Aerospace Engineering.

STAR TRACK is pursuing the digitalisation of the ground station at FH Aachen.

This will allow us to operate our ground station from anywhere in the world and access the satellite data from home. Until now, tracking satellites required on-site operation of the ground station, but thanks to an interface that allows remote control, operators will then be location-independent.

The relevance of digitalisation is particularly evident at the moment and will open up many possibilities for us in further projects in the future.

Another goal, in addition to the digitalisation of the ground station, is the automation of the necessary sub-steps. Because tracking satellites requires the interaction of different software and hardware, which will be made considerably more efficient and less error-prone through automation.

The project offers numerous opportunities to get involved. If you are interested, you are welcome to send an email to fhasoffh-aachen.de.



Dachwald, Bernd, Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Teaching Subject: Raumfahrttechnik
Photo Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Dachwald
Fachbereich 6 - Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik
Institute - Institut für Bioengineering (IFB)
Senat und Kommissionen - Kommission für Forschung und Entwicklung
Hohenstaufenallee 6
Room O2103
52064 Aachen

Consultation Hours

nach Vereinbarung

Dipl.-Ing. Sacha Tholl
Hohenstaufenallee 6
52064 Aachen
T: +49(0)163 754 666 1

Student Project Manager

Hannah Tessa Walther

Picture gallery

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