Further Assistance
Counselling Centres
in and around Aachen
- Zentrum für psychische Gesundheit Center for Mental Health for students and doctoral candidates of FH Aachen and RWTH Aachen University at the University Hospital Aachen (ZPG)
- Katholisches Beratungszentrum Catholic Counselling Centre for marriage, family, life and faith issues of the diocese of Aachen
- Evangelische Beratungsstelle Protestant Counselling Centre for educational guidance and family counselling, partnership and life counselling, pregnancy conflict counselling
- Suchthilfe Aachen - addiction counselling and therapy for the areas of alcohol, medication, gaming & online addiction, eating disorders, youth and drug counselling
in and around Jülich
- ERZIEHUNGSBERATUNGSSTELLE JÜLICH guidance office for children, adolescents and adults. This is a psychosocial facility with psychologically-therapeutically trained specialists from the fields of curative education, social education, social work and psychology.
- Beratungsstelle für Frauen und Mädchen - Frauen helfen Frauen e.V. counselling centre for women and girls - women helping women
Information on Mental Problems, Disorders and Illnesses, Search for Psychotherapists
- Zentrale Informationsbörse Psychotherapie (ZIP) - an offer of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians North Rhine (KVNO), information on available therapy places
- Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung Nordrhein (KVNO) - possibility to search for doctors and therapists in the administrative districts of Cologne and Düsseldorf
- Psychotherapie Informationsdienst - a service of the German Psychologists' Academy, basic information on the subject of psychotherapy
- Psychologie und Gesundheit e.V. - Pist of psychotherapists for the City and district of Aachen, information on various therapy methods
Interesting and Helpful
Tutorials of RWTH Aachen's Psychosocial Counselling- "Lernen lernen" is a five-part film series made by the Psychological Counselling Service of RWTH Aachen University on how to create a learning plan. It covers the following topics: How do you create a learning plan? How do you prepare for a difficult exam? How do you deal with a large amount of learning materials? How do you plan your time when preparing for exams? In five parts, the film series accompanies three students as they prepare for decisive examinations in their studies and demonstrates how to approach and create a learning plan. In addition, there are several short audio and video clips with instructions on how to relax and get activated.
Zeit zu leben - Taking charge of your life: an online guide about personal development and growth including lots of articles, impulses, book reviews, downloadable materials, a weekly newsletter and much more.
Zeitblüten - an online guide on the topic of time and goal management including lots of tips, information and materials to download
Simplify - another online guide on how to simplify all areas of life including articles, forum and video tips
To-Do-Liste - Downloadable forms for organisational aids and tips for self-structuring