General information on the DSH examination

The DSH (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang) of FH Aachen is a standardised, accredited German language examination which is recognised throughout Germany. It is aimed at prospective third-level students who require an official German language certificate for entry to their study programmes at institutions of higher education in Germany. The DSH held at FH Aachen is an open examination, which means that applicants of other universities can also take part.

It is recommended to take the examination after approximately 900-1000 teaching units. The examination commission reserves the right to reject applications from candidates who are not expected to reach the required language level by the time of the examination.

The intensive courses offered by Sprachenakademie Aachen are suitable for targeted preparation for the examination.

Information on intensive courses is available on the website of Sprachenakademie Aachen.

The DSH examination held at Aachen University of Applied Sciences (FH Aachen) is in compliance with the DSH examination regulations DSH examination regulations of 8 June 2022. The examination regulations are in keeping with the regulatory framework of German language examinations for programmes of study at German institutions of higher education. It is registered at the conference of higher education institution presidents (registration number: 2-06/15). A DSH examination completed in accordance with article 7 of the regulatory framework will be recognised by all institutions of higher education and preparatory colleges in Germany.



Exam format and grading

The DSH exam comprises a written and oral component. The oral part is conducted only in case the examinee passes the written part. More detailed information on the examination format can be found on our DSH fact sheet (in German) and through familiarising yourself with the examination structure through viewing our DSH sample exam, including listening comprehension and solutions.

Each of the components of the DSH examination can be passed with the following grades:

  • DSH 1 (57% or above) certifies “basic/elementary“ language ability.
  • DSH 2 (67% or above) certifies “differenciated“ language ability.
  • DSH 3 (82% or above) certifies “exceptional“ language ability.

If an examinee scores less than 57 percent of the maximum of points in one component of the examination, this part of the examination is considered failed. More detailed information on the grading system for the examination can be found on our DSH fact sheet.

The DSH certificate of the FH Aachen is recognised by all universities in Germany. Most universities require a DSH result at level DSH-2 (C1) or higher. In order to gather detailed information about the requirements of specific universities and university departments, please check the respective websites.

Registration and Dates

Registration for the DSH Examination

Dear DSH examination applicants,

You can register online for your desired DSH examination. We consider all requests and systematically allocate the examination places. In doing so, we observe various registration criteria.

The examination fee is EUR 160.00 (plus registration fee). Exam candidates who are already admitted to a degree programme at FH Aachen at the time of their registration pay a reduced fee of EUR 110.00 (plus registration fee). The registration fee is EUR 30.00 Please note that the number of examination places is limited.

ATTENTION: A registration has the status "inquiry" until further notice. Our examination department will check if all registration criteria are met and if exam places are available. In this case, we will contact you by email in good time before the exam date to confirm your booking and provide you with information on how to pay the exam fee.

Please find our online inquiry form here.


Es werden kontinuierlich neue Termine für DSH-Kleingruppenprüfungen geplant. Füllen Sie bitte unser Anfrageformular auf der Website der Sprachenakademie Aachen aus, um Informationen dazu zu erhalten, in welchem Monat die Möglichkeit besteht, an einer DSH-Prüfung teilzunehmen.