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Civil Engineering

Welcome to Faculty 02

Our Faculty of Civil Engineering is one of the oldest faculties at FH Aachen.
Originating from a traditional engineering school, it has been providing successful and value-orientated training for more than 100 years. It offers a scientifically sound and practical education in three forward-looking Bachelor's degree programmes:

Our students are supervised by almost 30 professors who, in addition to their academic qualifications, are characterised above all by their practical experience. They are supported by numerous members of staff and external lecturers.

We offer the following Master's degree programmes after successfully completing a Bachelor's degree programme:

Our faculty not only maintains a wide range of contacts and cooperations with companies in the construction industry and the building trade, with regional engineering offices, professional associations and other service companies, but also with national and international partner universities. This close exchange with external partners is reflected in a practice-orientated range of courses that is constantly adapted to new findings.

We maintain an informal atmosphere in which students, lecturers and faculty staff enjoy meeting and communicating openly.

Neu am Fachbereich 2?

Informationen für unser Erstsemester WS24/25

Wir freuen uns, Sie am Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen begrüßen zu können! Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit, den Fachbereich kennen zu lernen und einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Abläufe zu erhalten. 

  • Ersti-Hilfe Broschüre: In unserer Ersti-Hilfe-Broschüre finden unsere Erstsemester alle wichtigen Informationen für einen erfolgreichen Start ins Studium. 
  • Ersti-Checkliste: Hier finden Sie einen ersten Überblick über die wichtigsten Dinge, die vor Studienbeginn zu erledigen sind. 



Faculty 02 Dates and Events

01.03.2024 | Start of the summer semester 2024

02.04.2024 | Start of all lectures and courses in the summer semester 2024

02.04.2024 | BIOS Opening Event

24.04.2024 | Meet Trade Fair

25.04.2024 | Meet Bau, ground floor Bayernallee 11

25.04.2024 | Girls' Day

16.05.2024 | 6 p.m. Info event: Timber Engineering studies and professional life

17.05.2024 | 12:00 pm Last courses and lectures before Whitsun

22.06.2024 | Alumni celebration

12.07.2024 | End of all lectures and courses

18.07. - 07.08.2024 | Examinations 2024

12.08. - 30.08.2024 | Examinations 2024

31.08.2024 | End of the summer semester 2024

30.09.2024 | Start of lectures and courses WS 24/25

Schedule for the summer semester 2024 as a download


Große Holzbauexkursion 2024 am FB02

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Smart Building Engineering: Fachleute dringend gesucht

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Mach MINT! Techniktage für Mädchen

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Aus Aachen in die Welt

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Digitalisierung – eine tragende Säule der Nachhaltigkeit im Bauwesen

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Faculty Administrative Office

The Faculty Administrative Office is, among other things, the point of contact for notice approvals, procurements, coordination of personnel matters (e.g. for employment as a Student Assistant or specialist tutor) and for the allocation of meeting rooms.

Photo  Sabine Eckert

Sabine Eckert Angestellte in der Fachbereichsverwaltung

Fachbereich 2 - Bauingenieurwesen

University function

Bayernallee 9
Room 00119
52066 Aachen

Consultation Hours

Mo und Do: 8:00 – 15:00 und nach Absprache

Examination Administrative Office

The tasks of the Examination Administrative Office include managing examination registrations and cancellations, registering grades, issuing certificates and checking admissions or non-admissions to examinations or final theses.

Photo  Brigitte Martin-Plum

Brigitte Martin-Plum Angestellte im Prüfungsamt

Fachbereich 2 - Bauingenieurwesen

University function

Room 02403
52066 Aachen

Consultation Hours

Mo - Do 8:30 bis 11:30, Fr 8:00 - 13:00 Homeoffice