Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Written examinations, POs

General information for students at faculty 5

(all degree programmes)

The examination phases take place at the end of each semester and also before the start of the winter semester. You must register in advance in order to be able to take examinations. The following pages summarise what you need to bear in mind and how you can issue certificates and transcripts of records.

Current information can also be found in the notice board next to the Examination Office, room E030.

Examination modalities

Registration, cancellation, repetition, free attempts

| Examination modalities at a glance


Audit plans

There are three examination phases throughout the year in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

| Examination dates and registration deadlines


Behaviour in examinations

Rules must be observed during an examination. Punctual appearance - Identity card - Illness....

| Rules of behaviour for exams




After the grades have been announced, students may inspect their examination files

| Exam inspection

Examination Regulations

Students should always read the Examination Regulations for their degree programme

| These can be found under the respective degree programme or under FH-Announcements

Examination Regulations Change

For students who have changed or wish to change Examination Regulations

| Information PO change

Change degree programme

For students who have changed or want to change their degree programme

| University-wide information on changing degree programmes

| Information from the Examination Board of Faculty 5 on transfers to another university


Für Studierende, die von einer anderen Hochschule in einen Studiengang des Fachbereichs Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der FH Aachen wechseln wollen

| Hochschulweite Hinweise Studiengangswechsel

| Informationen des Prüfungsausschusses des Fachbereichs 5 zu Hochschulwechsel

Examination Office

Contact for administrative questions relating to examinations

| Contact Examination Office

Examination Board

Ensures that the provisions of the Examination Regulations are complied with, ensures that examinations are conducted properly and examines appeals in examination procedures.

| Examination Board

Download Centre Examination Office

All forms and forms of the Examination Office for download

| Download centre

Case of illness

Cancellations due to illness will only be accepted with the following form. Certificates of incapacity for work and other certificates are not sufficient. The form must be submitted in the original, either by registration or in person at the Examination Office. Email is not sufficient.

| Proof of incapacity for examination due to illness form


Certificates of achievements (e.g. transcript of records, overall achievements, BAföG certificates)

| Via QIS


Certificates with signature and stamp

| Via Examination Office