II.3 | Central Student Counselling
Our fields of consulting
All counselling sessions are open-ended, individual, neutral and confidential!
General Academic Counselling for prospective and current students
- The General Academic Counselling Service advises and supports pupils and all other prospective students in their choice and decision to study. During their studies, students can find help here with questions about their studies and difficulties in their study progress.
- The activities of the General Academic Counselling Service focus on the transition from school to university. The General Academic Counselling Service is the point of contact for teachers and participates in study choice fairs and study choice events at and outside the university.
Teacher training at vocational colleges
- Together with RWTH Aachen University, FH Aachen enables graduates in engineering from our university to qualify for a postgraduate Master's degree programme at RWTH Aachen University with the career goal of teaching at vocational colleges. We will be happy to advise you!
Doubts about your studies
- Here students can find a contact point to talk about their doubts about their studies and their causes and develop possible solutions and perspectives together with our counsellors.
Psychosocial Counselling
- The Psychosocial Counselling team supports students in overcoming personal and study-related difficulties or in preparing for challenging phases of study and life. The aim of counselling is to activate the ability to change the situation and to support students in overcoming crisis situations independently.
Our programmes, projects and fields of activity
Programme - No degree without a connection (KAoA)
- KAoA is an element of North Rhine-Westphalia's education, youth and social policy and pursues a preventative approach in which pupils are supported as early as possible in their study and career orientation, the acquisition of practical work experience and entry into studies + vocational training.
Programme - Talent scouting
- In the joint programme of RWTH and FH Aachen, the talent scouts accompany talented pupils from families without academic experience on their educational path. Promoting educational equality and equal opportunities is a common goal of the programme. The talent scouts work with vocational colleges, comprehensive schools and grammar schools to identify talented students, always taking into account the context of the young person's life and assessing performance in this context.
Project - NRWTalente pupil scholarship programme
- NRWTalente is a scholarship programme that supports high-achieving young people from all school types from the 8th grade onwards with practical offers, regular advice and support as well as individual talent development. The scholarship holders are supported in discovering their potential, developing it to the best of their ability and successfully shaping their own path. Commitment, talent and motivation should be able to develop regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, educational background and parental income.
Project - Doubts about studying
- Doubts about their own studies - like doubts about their own vocational training - are part of the reality of young people's lives. This project aims to remove the taboos surrounding doubts about studying and dropping out, expand counselling and services in this area and provide targeted information.
Field of activity - MINT promotion
- As a university with a focus on STEM (mathematics | computer science | natural sciences | technology), we have a special responsibility to bring young people into contact with STEM and show them how diverse and exciting the world of study and careers in this field is. We do this by developing and implementing suitable study orientation programmes in cooperation with the faculties of FH Aachen.
Field of activity - Coordination of the Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering degree programme with orientation semester (ETOS/BIOS)
- Together with RWTH Aachen University, FH Aachen offers cooperative degree programmes with an orientation semester. The degree programmes are aimed at students who wish to gain a comprehensive insight into both the subject and the two types of university before making their individual study decision.
The central coordination office manages and controls the processes of all actors and instances involved; it also advises and supports students in their study decision and in their study progress.
All contact persons
East (in Elternzeit), Zoe, Dipl.Gyml.
Leiterin der ZSB | Teamleitung ASB© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 213
52066 Aachen
Room C 213
52066 Aachen
Balazs, Cornelia, Dipl.-Psych.
Stellvertr. Leiterin der ZSB | Teamleitung PSB© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
Room A 201
52066 Aachen
Room A 201
52066 Aachen
Linkhorst, Theresa M.A.
Teamleitung Talentscouting | NRWTalente | Koop.studiengänge© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 214
52066 Aachen
Room C 214
52066 Aachen
Lange, Heidrun
Administration/ Programmassistenz© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 211
52066 Aachen
Room C 211
52066 Aachen
Schneider, Maike, Dipl.-Ing.
Studienberaterin | KAoA© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 212
52066 Aachen
Room C 212
52066 Aachen
Kreuz, Alina M.A.
Studienberaterin | KAoA
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 208
52066 Aachen
Room C 208
52066 Aachen
Mahr, Carolin M.Ed.
Studienberaterin | MINT-Förderung© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 208
52066 Aachen
Room C 208
52066 Aachen
Gräßler, Anja, Dipl.-Kff.
Studienberaterin | Studiengangkoordination ETOS und BIOS© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 212
52066 Aachen
Room C 212
52066 Aachen
Pielen, Nina, Dipl.-Kff.
Studienberaterin | IVT© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
Room B 223
52066 Aachen
Room B 223
52066 Aachen
Garten-Gerold, Annett, Dipl.-Päd.
Koordination und Beratung - Zweifel am Studium© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 209
52066 Aachen
Room C 209
52066 Aachen
Andle, Melissa, Dipl.-Psych.
Psychosoziale Beraterin© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
Room A 202
52066 Aachen
Room A 202
52066 Aachen
Supé (in Elternzeit), Ann M.Sc.
Psychosoziale Beraterin© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
52066 Aachen
52066 Aachen
Krüttgen, Anneke
Talentscout | Koordination Talentscouting© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 210
52066 Aachen
Room C 210
52066 Aachen
Bögershausen, Franziska B.A.
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 208
52066 Aachen
Room C 208
52066 Aachen
Seidel, Alexandra, Dipl.-Kff.
Talentscout© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 209
52066 Aachen
Room C 209
52066 Aachen
Stellmacher, Natalie M.A.
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 214
52066 Aachen
Room C 214
52066 Aachen
Förster, Anna-Rika M.A.
Projektmanagerin "NRWTalente - Schülerstipendien"© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 214
52066 Aachen
Room C 214
52066 Aachen
Belfort-Leoncio, Giovanna B.Sc.
Projektassistenz "NRWTalente - Schülerstipendien"© FH Aachen
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 211
52066 Aachen
Room C 211
52066 Aachen