FH Building Bayernallee

FH Aachen Academy

Your Academy for Practice-Oriented Further Education

Demographic transition and societal changes pose considerable challenges to the education and employment system. Lifelong learning should become the norm in terms of educational biographies.

The university embraces its mission to promote this through high-quality further education offers and, against this background, creates offers that enable the widest possible target group to gain access to university knowledge.

The further education offers are based on the system-accredited degree programmes as well as on the successful, diversified and multifaceted research of FH Aachen, especially in the areas of

  • Digitalisation
  • Energy
  • Mobility, and
  • Life Sciences.

Targeted and tailored further education offers are created that address the structural change in the region and the transformation processes in various companies and sectors of industry, the renewal of know-how as well as the increase in the potential of skilled personnel.

It is the declared objective of the FH Aachen Academy to develop and establish further education programmes together with its partners. These programmes are designed to meet the needs of today's economic and labour market.

Companies, associations, institutions and public bodies are therefore cordially invited to formulate their needs for further education programmes with us and to work together on developing and implementing the right format.
During the development of the tailor-made further education programme, we work in close cooperation with the faculties as well as the professors in order to ensure that the programmes always provide the latest specialist knowledge and are of the highest quality.

At present, we are focusing on a further education programme covering current topics from the IT environment. We are cooperating with a large company from the automotive industry and are training its employees, for example, in:


  •  Big Data
  •  Cybersecurity
  •  Connectivity and Communication
  •  Embedded Systems and
  •  Model Based Design.

The training courses are offered entirely online or in attendance at FH Aachen; hybrid forms are also possible.

Please contact us if you have any further education needs and are interested in developing such a programme with us.


  • Cyber Security
  • Connectivity and Communication
  • Model Based Design
  • Software Development Embedded Systems
  • Software Development Big Data
  • Feature Engineering with SysML

Gerne verweisen wir auch auf die Seiten unseres Innovationsfransfers und unserer Stabsstelle für Alumnimanagement und Fundraising für weitere Kooperationsmöglichkeiten zwischen Wirtschaftspartnern und der Hochschule.


Photo Dipl.-Kff. Judith Bauer

Judith Bauer

FH Aachen Akademie

University function

Referentin Weiterbildung
Eupener Str. 70
Room C202
52066 Aachen