Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Staff Council for Technical and Administrative Employees

A warm welcome!

Dear colleagues,

We are the Staff Council for employees in technology and administration at FH Aachen and would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in us by electing us.

The Staff Council currently consists of 8 permanent members and numerous substitute members who would like to work on your behalf.

In addition to the tasks assigned to the Staff Council by law, our number one priority is your support: If you have a problem or concern of any kind that you think we can help with, don't hesitate to contact us.

As we want to be at your side, we would be delighted if you would contact us with problems large and small, with requests, withcriticism, with suggestions for improvement and much more.

You can contact us members of the Staff Council in confidence at any time. We are at your disposal as your contact persons. It goes without saying that all your information will be treated confidentially - we are bound by professional secrecy.

We are in good spirits and full of energy!

With best regards

Your Staff Council

News about the Staff Council

Other interest groups at the FH Aachen

JAV (youth and trainee representation)

JAV (youth and trainee representation)

SBV (representative body for severely disabled persons)

SBV (representative body for severely disabled persons)

Personalrat der Beschäftigten in Technik und Verwaltung

Bayernallee 11
Raum 02011 / 02012
52066 Aachen