Sitzbank vor dem Hauptgebäude der FH Aachen
Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Youth and trainee representation (JAV)


The youth and trainee representatives are elected in accordance with the Personnel Representation Act for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Landespersonalvertretungsgesetz - LPVG). It represents the interests of young people. As the JAV is not an independent body, it takes action by requesting measures from the Staff Council. In accordance with Section 63 LPVG, a member of the JAV attends staff council meetings in an advisory capacity and is entitled to vote there under certain circumstances.


The chairpersons of the JAV

Unnau, Manuela

Datenverarbeitungszentrale - Team Infrastruktur
Personalrat und Gruppenvertretungen - Personalrat der Beschäftigten in Technik und Verwaltung
Eupener Straße 70
Room B213
52066 Aachen

Steinbusch, Corinna

Stellvertretende JAV-Vorsitzende
Datenverarbeitungszentrale - Team Support
Personalrat und Gruppenvertretungen - Personalrat der Beschäftigten in Technik und Verwaltung
Eupener Straße 70
52066 Aachen

Background of the JAV

According to § 54 (Fn 22) LPVG, the election of a JAV is mandatory in all offices that employ at least 5 employees:

  • who have not yet reached the age of 18
  • trainees, trainee civil servants and interns. § Section 10 (2) to (4) applies accordingly

to be implemented. The number of members of the JAV is regulated in Section 56 (fn 24).

§ Section 56 (fn 24) LPVG: Number of youth and trainee representatives, composition of the youth and trainee representatives

(1) The youth and trainee representatives shall consist of the following in offices with, as a rule

5 to 20 employees entitled to vote shall consist of one person,

21 to 50 employees entitled to vote, three members,

51 to 200 employees entitled to vote consist of five members,

201 to 300 employees entitled to vote consist of seven members,

301 to 500 employees entitled to vote from eleven members,

501 to 1000 employees entitled to vote from thirteen members,

more than 1000 employees entitled to vote from fifteen members.

(2) Section 14 (5) and (6) shall apply accordingly

All employees who have not yet reached the age of 27 by the election date are eligible for election. § Section 55 (Fn 23) para. 2 LPVG. The term of office begins and ends with the respective election period and is not automatically terminated upon reaching the age of 27.