Further Information for International Applicants

Would you like to start your studies at FH Aachen as an international student or study with us for a while as an exchange student? On this page are a few things to think about before starting your studies in Germany.

Proof of Sufficient Funding

When you apply for a visa at the German embassy or consulate, you must prove that you have enough money to live on while in Germany. This is currently at least 934 EUR per month or 11208 EUR per year.

There are two options for proof of funding:

  • Declaration of Commitment: A person such as your parent or another relative promises to cover your living costs in Germany for a certain period of time or for your entire studies. You can get the form from the German embassy or consulate.
  • Blocked Bank Account: This is a bank account at a bank in Germany or your home country where you have deposited your funds for at least one year. According to current regulations you cannot withdraw more than 934 EUR per month from this account.

Please be aware that the information about the blocked bank account and living expenses is not set by FH Aachen and is subject to change. Current information is available at the German embassy or consulate.

Some financial institutions (such as Deutsche Bank) permit you to open the blocked bank account in Germany from home. In this case you do not need to transfer your money to Germany and save the fees for this.

Health Insurance

Students from EU countries: Check with your health insurance company whether both your trip and your stay from the very first day in Germany are insured. If you are not insured, please refer to the next section.
Students from non-EU countries: You need travel health insurance for the trip and for your first few weeks in Germany. After your arrival, you must have German health insurance for enrollment. Many German embassies require proof of health insurance if you want to apply for the visa.

In Germany all students are obliged to have health insurance. In most European Union countries your health insurance in your home country will cover you during your stay in Germany  with your European health insurance card (EHIC). Check with your insurance BEFORE(!) you travel to Germany.

If your health insurance is not valid in Germany, you should get travel health insurance that is also valid for the few weeks in Germany, as this will give you enough time to get insurance. You have the option of public or private health insurance, however, the insurance will only be valid starting on the day you enroll at the FH Aachen.

More information about health insurance is on the websites of the German Academic Exchange Service and Deutsches Studentenwerk.

With public health insurance you will pay approximately the same charges everywhere. The services offered by the different insurance providers are almost the same.

With private health insurance you can choose between different tariffs. Even the variety of services offered will be different, however, if you select private health insurance, it must be approved by a public health insurance company before you can enroll. Most private health insurance companies require payment when services are rendered, then you must apply for a refund.


The information provided here is a service of the Department of International Affairs and is only general guidance. No liability is assumed for the accuracy of the content matter.

Additional Insurance

Luggage Insurance

If you are bringing precious and expensive items along with you, such as a notebook, you should consider getting special luggage insurance.

Liability Insurance (Privathaftpflichtversicherung)

When you damage someone else's property, you are held liable for the damage you caused. In many cases the damages may be so high that you may have difficulty paying them. Therefore, liability insurance is strongly recommended. Almost all insurance companies offer a Privathaftpflichtversicherung, which may cost around 60 EUR per year.

Houshold Insurance

Houshold insurance covers objects in your apartment that are stolen or damaged, for example, damage caused by water, fire or burglary. Almost all insurance companies offer this.  The cost depends on the size of your apartment and what you insure.

Destination Germany

The Study in Germany Blog 


Foreign students write about studying and living in Germany. Interested students from all over the world can get an authentic first-hand impression of Germany with these first-hand reports.

Facts about Germany


Your Link to Germany


Visa and Residence Permit
Information for International Students