Visa and Residence Permit: Before Departure and After Arrival

Before Departure


Information about a visa for Germany is available at the Ministry of Foreign Affsirs (Auswärtigen Amt), where you will find information about if you need a visa and how to apply for it.

Information in

Important! You cannot study in Germany with a tourist visa. You cannot convert a tourist visa into a study visa.

After you arrive in Germany, you must change your visa into a residence permit.  See below for more information.

Proof of Sufficient Funding

When you apply for a visa at the German embassy or consulate, you must prove that you have enough money to live on while in Germany. This is currently at least 934 EUR per month or 11208 EUR per year.

There are two options for proof of funding:

  • Declaration of Commitment: A person such as your parent or another relative promises to cover your living costs in Germany for a certain period of time or for your entire studies. You can get the form from the German embassy or consulate.
  • Blocked Bank Account: This is a bank account at a bank in Germany or your home country where you have deposited your funds for at least one year. According to current regulations you cannot withdraw more than 934 EUR per month from this account.

Please be aware that the information about the blocked bank account and living expenses is not set by FH Aachen and is subject to change. Current information is available at the German embassy or consulate.

Some financial institutions (such as Deutsche Bank) permit you to open the blocked bank account in Germany from home. In this case you do not need to transfer your money to Germany and save the fees for this.

After Arrival

City Registration

Before you can convert your entry visa into a residence permit, you must first register with the city where you are living. This office is usually called either the Einwohnermeldeamt or Bürgerbüro.

You must register in your city within 14 days of moving into a new home, including if you move within your city or elsewhere in Germany.

Most students of the FH Aachen can register at one of these city offices:

Aachen - Book your appointment online

  • The registration offices, called BürgerService, in the center of Aachen are „Bahnhofplatz“ and „Katschhof“. You can also choose one of the other district offices.
  • If you are coming from outside Germany, click „Meldeangelegenheiten (residence affairs)“, "Zuzug aus dem Ausland" (+1)" (moving from abroad), „Weiter zur Terminauswahl“ (continue to select date).
  • If you have moved from elsewhere in Germany, select “Wohnsitz an-/ ab-/ ummelden (+1)“ (residence registration/de-registration/re-registration)

Take the "Meldeschein An- und Ummeldung" (registration form) and the "Wohnungsgeberbestätigung" (confirmation from the landlord/landlady) with you.


Jülich – Book your appointment online

  • Click auf „Meldewesen“ (registration forms), „Anmeldung +1“ (registration), „Weiter“ (continue)

Important: There are long waiting times! Book your online appointment as soon as you know when you will sign your rental contract. You should book the appointment online within 14 days, even if the appointment date is much later.

Also Important: Without a prior registration at the city registration office, you cannot apply for a student residence permit at the Foreigners' Office (Ausländerbehörde).

Apply for a residence permit directly after arrival

Your entry visa is usually valid for 90 days. About 8-12 weeks before your visa expires you should apply for a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis).

You must do this even if you were allowed to enter Germany without a visa.

Important: Applying for an appointment after your entry visa expires can cause serious legal problems, so be sure to apply on time.


The information provided here is a service of the Department of International Affairs and is only general guidance. No liability is assumed for the accuracy of the content matter.

Residence permit for students from the EU

Students with EU citizenship and from the EEA (European Economic Area) who intend to stay in Germany for more than 90 days must apply for the Freizügigkeitsbescheinigung EU when they register at the city registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt) or (BürgerService).  They do not need an additional appointment at the Foreigners' Office.

Required documents:

  • Passport or identity card
  • Confirmation of student status from the FH Aachen (Studienbescheinigung)
  • Proof of health insurance, such as the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or German health insurance
  • Proof of sufficient funding to cover living costs


Residence permit for students from non-EU countries

First you need to be registered in the city where you live (see "City Registration" above).

Then book an appointment to apply for your residence permit 8-12 weeks before your entry visa for Germany expires.

You must book the appointment at the Foreigners' Office responsible for the city where you live (see below).

Required documents (applies to Aachen and Düren):

  • application form for a residence permit
  • biometric photo
  • passport
  • confirmation of student status from the FH Aachen (Studienbescheinigung)
  • proof of health insurance
  • proof of sufficient funding to cover living costs
  • fee of about 100 Euro for your first residence permit

The student residence permit is usually only for one or two years, so you will have to apply for an extension several times during your studies.

Several weeks after you apply for the residence permit you will receive a letter that you can pick up your electronic residence permit (eAT) card.

Important | Be sure make an appointment for your residence permit before your entry visa expires, otherwise your stay in Germany is illegal.

If you could not make an appointment before your visa expires, write an email to the Foreigners' Office so that you have written proof that you tried to get an appointment on time.

Students who live in Aachen or in the StädteRegion Aachen

Ausländeramt der StädteRegion Aachen
Foreigners' Office of the StädteRegion Aachen

Hackländerstr. 1
52064 Aachen

Aachen: Book an appointment online

After moving from outside Germany: Select "Aufenthaltsangelegenheiten" (residence matters), "Fachhochschule Aachen", "FH-Studenten +1", "Weiter" (continue), "OK„

If you have moved from elsewhere in Germany and are registered in Aachen: Select "Aufenthaltsangelegenheiten" (residence matters), "Aufenthalt" (residence), "Erteilung/Verlängerung Aufenthalt - Nachname (je nach Buchstabe des 1. Nachnamens) +1" (issue/extend residence - surname (first letter of surname), "Weiter" (continue), "OK"

Students who live in Jülich or elsewhere in Kreis Düren

Ausländerbehörde des Kreis Düren, Geschäftsstelle Jülich
Foreigners' Office of Kreis Düren, Jülich Office

Düsseldorferstr. 6
52428 Jülich



Under "Angaben zum Terminwunsch" (reason for appointment) select "Ausländerbehörde" (Foreigners' Office).

Further Information for International Applicants

Further Information for International Applicants
Information for International Students
International Graduates