Ein Student hält eine große Weltkugel in der Hand.
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Global Business and Economics B.Sc. 100 Percent English

Our world is interconnected at a global level. Nowadays, trade relations in particular are a global affair. Many companies operate across borders and have branches and cooperation partners all over the world. They obtain raw materials from abroad or have their products manufactured directly there. Qualified professionals are needed who can move confidently on international terrain, work in international teams and have an excellent command of the English language. Our Global Business and Economics degree programme is taught entirely in English and is geared towards an international career after graduation. You will acquire fundamental and practically relevant knowledge in Business Studies, e.g. in Marketing, Finance, Economics or Business Taxation, and put this into an international and global context. The curriculum is complemented by social skills and additional foreign language courses. Over the course of your studies, you have the opportunity to choose specialisation modules from a large catalogue of subjects, such as International Management Training or International Economics, and, in doing so, set your own priorities in your studies. In the fifth or sixth semester, you can optionally spend an additional semester abroad at one of our more than 110 partner universities worldwide to further strengthen your intercultural skills.


Degree Programme Global Business and Economics B.Sc.

Business Studies
Location of Study
Start of Studies
each winter semester
Admission Restriction


Prescribed Period of Study

6 semesters (7 semesters with elective semester)

Credit Points

180 (210 with elective semester)

Teaching Language
Access Requirements

university entrance qualification + Proof of language skills


Applicants with German university entrance qualification via www.hochschulstart.de (deadline 15 July) followed by an application directly to FH Aachen ; Applicants with foreign university entrance qualification via www.uni-assist.de (deadline 15 July)

Possible postgraduate Master's Programmes at the FH Aachen

International Business Management – Customer and Service Management; International Business Management – Finance, Accounting, Control, Taxation; Industrial Engineering (4 semesters)

Similar Degree Programmes

Betriebswirtschaft/Business Studies, Business Studies Praxis Plus, Business Law, Business Law Praxis Plus, International Business Studies, Business Information Systems, Engineering Management


Broschüre Global Business and Economics

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Prüfungsordnung (PO) Global Business and Economics

Short description:

Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelorstudiengänge „Global Business and Economics“ und „Global Business and Economics with Elective Semester“
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Aufhebung der Prüfungsordnung (PO) Bachelorstudiengänge Global Business and Economics

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Information Days

Your contact persons

Academic Counselling Service Global Business and Economics

If you have any questions about the Global Business and Economics degree programme, please contact:


+49.241.6009 51929


International Faculty Office

Faculty of Business Studies

Eupener Straße 70

52066 Aachen