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Biotechnology B.Sc.

Study Biotechnology

Discover the fascinating world of biotechnology and immerse yourself in a forward-looking industry that has the potential to change all our lives. With us, you can expect an application-oriented degree programme that focuses on innovation, practical relevance and personal support.

Among other things, our Biotechnology degree programme also offers you a continuous project practical training, allowing you to realise your own biotechnological ideas during the second to fifth semesters. In cooperation with our dedicated professors in the faculty, you can work on real projects and gain valuable practical experience.

Through our strong networking with industry and research, we offer you the best opportunities to successfully gain a foothold in the biotechnology industry after your studies. Our graduates benefit from our extensive network and have excellent opportunities to discover interesting career prospects in various biotechnological fields. In addition, we offer you the opportunity to further deepen your knowledge and skills through a subsequent Master's degree and to specialise in specific biotechnological fields.

Visit us on Instagram for exciting insights into our research and subject areas and to get an impression of our professors and researchers.

Are you still unsure whether you want to study biotechnology? Then take a look at what our graduates have to say and visit our Offers for Students page!

Study Biotechnology - be well equipped for the working world and research of tomorrow!

Application deadline for a study place: Beginning of June - August 31st
Go directly to the Application


Degree Programme Biotechnology B.Sc.

Chemistry and Biotechnology
Location of Study
Start of Studies
each winter semester
Admission Restriction


Prescribed Period of Study

6 semesters

Credit Points


Teaching Language

Registration via hochschulstart.de, followed by an application directly to FH Aachen


Possible postgraduate Master's Programmes at the FH Aachen

Biotechnology M.Sc.


Broschüre Biotechnologie

Examination Regulations Biotechnology Bachelor's degree programme

All Information about the Degree Programme

Ocupational Fields
Study Contents
Study Programme Variants
Alumni Reports
Offers for Pupils

What You Can Experience With Us

Are You Already a Student Here?

If so, you will find all the information you need on the pages of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biotechnology.
Faculty of Chemistry and Biotechnology
Information for Freshers

Termine und News

Sauberes Wasser aus dem Bach?

07/03/2024 YouTuber JJChemistry testet im Labor der FH Aachen Wasseraufbereitungsmittel
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Info-Sessions für Studieninteressierte Master Biotechnologie

06/26/2024 Antworten auf Ihre Fragen zum Masterstudiengang Biotechnologie
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Neues Dekanat am Fachbereich Chemie und Biotechnologie gewählt


Am 12. Juni 2024 fand die Wahl des neuen Dekanats am Fachbereich Chemie und Biotechnologie statt. Die Amtszeit beginnt offiziell am 1. September 2024.

Read more

What Do Our Graduates Say?

Judith Senger: Bachelor and Master in Biotechnology at FH Aachen

Judith Senger: Bachelor and Master in Biotechnology at FH Aachen

Jonas Pes: Bachelor and Master Biotechnology at FH Aachen

Jonas Pes: Bachelor and Master Biotechnology at FH Aachen

Natalie Haustein: Bachelor of Biotechnology at FH Aachen

Natalie Haustein: Bachelor of Biotechnology at FH Aachen

First Answers to Your Questions

We're happy to answer your questions!
Go to the information page of the Academic Counselling Service

Subject-Specific Academic Counsellor

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Nils Tippkötter

Room 00A15
52428 Jülich

Consultation Hours

Nach Vereinbarung.

Dean of Students

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Jürgen Pettrak

Room 01E08
52428 Jülich

Consultation Hours

Nach Vereinbarung.