Extraktion genetisch veränderter DNA unter UV-Licht, Banden mit Skalpell ausschneiden.
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Biotechnology M.Sc.

The Biotechnology (Master of Science) degree programme is offered by the Faculty of Chemistry and Biotechnology of FH Aachen, one of the most research-intensive universities of applied sciences in Germany, and several external cooperation partners such as the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (IME) and the Research Centre Jülich (FZJ). Given its cross-institutional structure, the goal of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary learning, teaching and research is achieved.
Through close interaction with partners such as other universities, companies as well as other institutions in the technology region of Aachen, you will be offered a degree programme that will enable you to work on, and solve, complex problems with the necessary technical and methodological competence. The special design of the degree programme is intended to encourage you to develop your own areas of interest. However, you are also expected to take responsibility for your own courses and lectures and to actively participate in the design, organisation and running of the degree programme. Find out more about the concept and the courses of this innovative Master's degree programme on the Study Contents page.


Degree Programme Biotechnology M.Sc.

Chemistry and Biotechnology
Location of Study
Start of Studies
each summer semester and winter semester
Admission Restriction


Prescribed Period of Study

3 semesters

Credit Points


Teaching Language
German and English
Access Requirements

Relevant, professionally qualifying university degree (at least 210 credit points) 


directly to FH Aachen


Broschüre Biotechnologie

Examination Regulations Biotechnology Master's Degree Programme

Zugangsordnung Masterstudiengänge „Biotechnologie“ und „Biotechnologie mit Praxissemester“ | Lesbare Fassung

Short description:

Zugangsordnung für die Masterstudiengänge „Biotechnologie“ und „Biotechnologie mit Praxissemester“ in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung der Änderungsordnung vom 30.01.2020 – FH-Mitteilung Nr. 4/2020 (Nichtamtliche lesbare Fassung)

All Information about the Degree Programme

Occupational Fields
Study Contents

Degree Programme Variant WITH Practical Semester

Degree Programme Variant WITH Practical Semester
Information Offers

Study Impressions

Are You Already Studying Here?

If so, please find all the information you need on the pages of the
Faculty of Chemistry and Biotechnology.


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Info-Sessions für Studieninteressierte Master Biotechnologie

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Neues Dekanat am Fachbereich Chemie und Biotechnologie gewählt


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Subject-Specific Academic Counselling


Prof. Dr.
Petra Siegert

Room 01E07
52428 Jülich

Consultation Hours

Termin per e-mail


Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Jürgen Pettrak

Room 01E08
52428 Jülich

Consultation Hours

Nach Vereinbarung.