Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Data Processing Centre (DVZ)

The Data Processing Center (DVZ) is the central IT service provider of FH Aachen.

We are responsible for the central network and server infrastructure and provide network access (WLAN, VPN) and telephone services (VoIP).

We also operate central online services (e.g. website, ILIAS, e-mail) and provide all FH members with the necessary access to these and external services (e.g. sciebo, Webex).

We look after the PCs of the employees and in the terminal rooms of the FH Aachen.

Another task is the support and renewal of the media technology in the lecture halls of the FH Aachen.

If you have any questions or problems, our IT support is available via the help center.


Störung VPN

07/07/2024 VPN-Verbindung teilweise nicht möglich
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Störung externe Verbindungen

06/19/2024 Einzelne Dienste nur eingeschränkt nutzbar
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Hinweis BSI zu Webx

06/13/2024 Cisco schließt Sicherheitslücke in Meetings.
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Störung zentraler Mailserver

05/24/2024 Beim Aufruf von mail.fh-aachen.de wurde ein abgelaufenes Zertifikat gemeldet. Mittlerweile ist das Problem behoben.
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Wartungsarbeiten Webex 4.4.2024

03/27/2024 Webex-Instanz zieht auf neue Server
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Wartungsarbeiten ILIAS 17.01.2024 10:00 bis 14:00 Uhr

01/02/2024 System steht nur eingeschränkt zur Verfügung
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IT Support

If you have any questions or problems, our IT support is available to you via the help center.


People & Contact

Eupener Straße 70 | Building B
52066 Aachen
T +49.241.600952915

IT and online services for ...


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IT Support

DVZ ensures fast IT support via the help center


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