Schmuckbild Serverschrank
Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

IT support and help center

For technical questions and problems related to the use of IT systems at our university, the IT support of the FH Aachen is at your disposal. You can get in touch with us in various ways.

In the help center you can create a ticket for your request. For general questions and problems, you can also access our extensive instruction database, where you will find detailed instructions and tips.

However, if you need personal support, we are also happy to assist you on-site.

So don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or problems.


IT support on site

Bayernallee 9a

Support Hotline:


  • Dr. phil. J. Dahmen-Beumers
  • Mohamed Baba
  • Ulrich Deberding
  • Mario Grotenclos
  • Corinna Steinbusch

Eupener Straße

Support Hotline:


IT Service Desk:

Building B, first floor, room B011

Office: Building B, Eup B210

  • Robert Hammersen
  • Ruben Jakobs
  • Jörg Lindemann
  • Alexander Lipatov

Hohenstaufenallee / Goethestraße

Support Hotline:


Office: Hoh 04104

  • Sascha Schmitz
  • Christian Onkelbach
  • Marius Hansen
  • Corinna Steinbusch




Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Please contact location Hohenstaufenallee!

Support Hotline:

for Faculty of Design

+49.241.6009 51541

Office: Box 01116

  • Clemens Baldner



Support Hotline:


Office: Jül 00A45

  • Georg Hambloch
  • Martin Kraus

Media technology

Help Center

In case of technical problems or inquiries, please contact us via our help center. There you can create a ticket for your request. This allows us to process your request quickly and keep you informed about the progress.

Our help center also includes a how-to database. So you can easily search for your problem and find a suitable guide for many issues.

You can reach us centrally via the help center
or via e-mail

You can find instructions for our help center here.